Erik Molvar: Anti-Hunting Activist and Western Watersheds Project


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2017
Do you ever wonder who are the numerous "hunters" who allegedly support Cats Aren't Trophies (CATS) and Prop 91: Ballot Initiative to ban mountain lion hunting?

Well, back in September we had Dave Ruane who co-authored an article in The Denver Post and falsely claimed to be a member of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers. A claim that was quickly refuted by BHA and The Denver Post corrected.

Now enter Erik Molvar, Executive Director of Western Watersheds Project and self-proclaimed "hunter" spokesperson for CATS and the hunting ban. He took time out of his busy schedule up in Wyoming to lend his voice as a featured speaker at the CATS press conference on 9 August. There must not be enough pressing conservation work up in Wyoming.

Erik parroted much of the same misinformation and anti-hunter rhetoric that has come to define the CATS campaign. He castigated mountain lion hunters and folks who hunt with dogs as unethical, not worthy of respect, and an embarrassment. Pretty strong words, better let all those bird hunters know what kind of low-lifes they are. He also described mountain lion hunting as "trophy hunting", a continued theme from CATS, despite Colorado regulations that require hunters harvest the game meat and prepare it for human consumption. Erik must be part of that same deep-access surveillance program that Samantha Miller has with indisputable evidence that Colorado mountain lion hunters are not eating mountain lion meat, despite existing Colorado "wanton waste" laws. As such great advocates for wildlife, you would think they would report these violations to CPW. Unless of course they actually have no real evidence....

Of course Erik provides no scientific evidence to support eliminating mountain lion hunting. The lion population in Colorado is growing and not in danger. His statements focus on his belief that hunting mountain lions and hunting with dogs is unethical. It is perplexing to me that such an “acclaimed wildlife biologist” would openly campaign for an organization trafficking in misinformation and propaganda based on personal opinions and emotions. Talk about a hit to your credibility.

Also don't forget to support Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management!

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I view Western Watersheds Project as a clone of Alliance For The Wild Rockies, CBD, and the like.

Largely anti-hunting, certainly anti-trapping, basically anti-agriculture and in a general sense, anti rural culture.

They like the others, look to shape the west through hyperbole and litigation, and frown upon the harder work of collaboration, compromise, and being for something.

TLDR : They never saw a wild horse they didn’t like, and they never saw a cow they didn’t think was destroying the universe
Guy is a douche for sure.

But I also could never bring myself to eat a cat lol that said, just means I’ll never hunt them 🤷🏻‍♂️ but I support other people’s right to legally.
That jack wad was on our city council for a minute. Thank the Good Lord we got rid of him. He also was with Biodiversity conservation Alliance.

Mt lion and bobcat meat is great, just has a funky smell while cooking.
It’s always funny to hear the viewpoint of supposed “hunters” that think lion hunting is unethically too easy.

Maybe I have just been on some very hard, long, and extremely cold lion hunts, but aside from hunting Bighorn sheep in the Unlimiteds, it is the hardest hunting I have ever done
Guy is a douche for sure.

But I also could never bring myself to eat a cat lol that said, just means I’ll never hunt them 🤷🏻‍♂️ but I support other people’s right to legally.
Sometimes I feel like even just saying that is no good for the brand. While I appreciate your choice, Maybe just keep it to yourself? Any hint of doubt in this fight is no good.

Had some Mtn Lion sausage this summer at an infamous clam bake @Sandbrew . Although it was cooked with inedible things like crawfish it was absolutely delicious.
Ugh. I know EM from years past. Always found him to be blustery and insufferable. Cat populations seem to be doing fine so these people should stfu and find a real issue to tackle. In my humble opinion 😁