Kenetrek Boots

EOY '24 - What Worked, What Didn't

You're welcome.
Hope you find what you're looking for.
FyI. Mcmillan called me back and was very polite and apologetic for the delay. They do infact inlet a hand full of models for the x bolt. Including some I am interested in. I'm going to shoot the gun a lot to make sure its worth the investment then save up a bit and have one made.
FyI. Mcmillan called me back and was very polite and apologetic for the delay. They do infact inlet a hand full of models for the x bolt. Including some I am interested in. I'm going to shoot the gun a lot to make sure its worth the investment then save up a bit and have one made.
Good to hear. Mine is bedded from the factory and I'm very happy with how it shoots.
Well let me know about what you do on the back end. I’m guessing I’ll need something with the soon to be adds in the bed of mine.
@Potsie I finally decided on Eibach pro truck front and rear shocks and RAS springs in the rear. Reasonably priced compared to some other options. It will lift the front a little under 2” and the rear 1.5” while beefing up the leaf springs. They’ll be installed next week, I’m excited to see how they work.

This job requires zero labs, but don’t tell him that.

We bought a 2024 Honda pioneer 700. Took it to Colorado and it wasnt low enough geared to pull a small little trailer up a trail. I was sooooo pi$$ed off at the time. We had to camp 5 miles from where I had planned to camp. It really started the trip off badly, but things turned around ok I guess.

Don’t buy a pioneer 700 with the three speed transmission.

Buy the 1000 with the 5 speed.

So here we are, stuck with a new 700 pioneer that is ok on flat ground but doesn’t have a low enough gear to pull a tiny trailer up a hill…what a joke. First time in my life a Honda let me down…
how does it do without pulling the trailer up steep grades? I was looking at the 500

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