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Encore shooters I need opinions.


New member
Mar 20, 2008
Auburn, Washington
everyone using the T/C encore 12ga, turkey gun w/ factory choke, what's been the best load for you. I tired the Win #5 3" today and they stunk up the joint. At 20 yards they patterned like the same loads of federals at 45:confused:

Just curious to see what's working. also are those a Hevishot approved choke? Thanks
Ya I saw you writing up this place so i decided to check it out, seems like some fun conversation going on, so I figured what the hay.

Well heck everyone on TV seems to be using the darn thing, figured I was way behind the curve;).

I told the wife I'd let her use it this year, for letting me buy it, well She shot it yesterday and well....she'd rather use the 20ga. darn near brought her to her knees:eek:.

The federal#5 flitecontrols did fairly well but I'd like it to group a little better @ 20 yards. But I think I'll get'em anywho. Beside the only time I'll use it is when I'm on my own, if I'm with her or Dad I'm using my Martin...tryin' to poke'em this year.
I seen you writing it up over @the SSLB site, so decided to take alook and like you said i do like the fireside thing and seems like a decent bunch runnin' around here so i figured what the heck.

Wow no T/C fans... I got the wife to buy into it because I can now buy another gun at a cheaper price(barrel) plus I was going to let her use it opening weekend, but she shpt it yesterday and well it brought a tear to her eye. Little much for the Lil' Lady. She's gonna stick with her 20. So now I get to use it:)
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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