email and pm saying I have a virus


Active member
Jan 5, 2001
Omaha, NE usa
I rec'd an email and pm from Ladyroot saying I had a virus and to check using a recommended checker --so I download the checker/fixer, but since my computer that I have been using for about 2 yrs now is a MAC it won't work and I'm not sure I'm really affected---anyone get the same email/pm that I have and did it work for you and if anyone uses a MAC what did you do??? I always heard the MAC's were pretty much virus proof.....any help will be appreciated.....chris
thanks--figured it might be something like that, so I deleted the file I downloaded ---thanks again...chris
Unfortunately it sounds like that was a spam message. There is no perfect way to prevent spammers fromsigning up for a hunttalk account. All user approvals go through one of us admins, and although we do what we can to keep the site free from those people, sometimes one gets by.

Sorry about that. Luckily there was (at least apparently) no harm done.
Chis - Sorry about that. We have put every possible control in place for SPAMMERS. Usually we can tell SPAMMERS via foreign IP addresses. This is the first time we have had a person get through the captia, have a valid IP address, and have a unique user name.

I have toasted her, but obviously too late, as far as sending a mass PM.

Again, sorry about that, but understand that we have done everything possible, short of closing the site to new users.


Randy, Before there was 20-30 A DAY getting through. You guys are doing a Kick A$$ job in blocking them bastages !!! If one or two a week get through I wouldn't care one bit.

Good job in the work you guys do and the precautions you have in place.
BF--not really a big deal, just wanted to make sure it was legit and then how to remedy it--glad you booted her----chirs
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