Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever



Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
...... I know I've seen some Pictures :D DID I miss the Story ? Or is it being saved for a Publication ?
He put it right under the Alaska Bear Hunt mustta missed it.
We actually did an awesome job of writing the story in GirlGunner's sketch book. We took turns writing what happened, with me just trying to keep the story moving for her, but mostly wanting to get HER feelings and observations on what she saw.

And BOTH of you guys have seen the pictures, and you BOTH have to be impressed. Why doesn't Moosie have a BBQ, and I'll bring the pictures and drink his beer???


Right now I am struggling with 2+ GB of pictures, in 400+ images. :eek: Trying to figure out how to organize/print/store/etc...
Gunner, the Side Zebra Shot is the Picture I wanted to see, thanx

Burn them all to a CD, And come over, tell me when you're heading this way and I'll reduce them all for ya. You're machine should have a Program that does it too. I think it's standard Windows Aplication now with a BAsic Photo editor ? Maybe not.

At any any rate, come over Sunday, Wife will be at church 1-4 and I'll help ya.
LOL Nut, He Actually sent me a Face on Piucture, that was why that comment was made .... But YEs, glad it wasn't the "ASS" shot... AGAIN !!!!
Lochi and the Ranch Manager kept trying to cook Liver for Dinner, so I made it a point to make sure I shot the Liver in all the animals I killed, as best I could, as I HATE liver.

If you notice the grass that is strategically placed on the horse in Pajamas, you will see where I poked a hole.

Lochi and I had a bit of discussion on his .338 bullets, as I got NO exit wound on that shot.

The good thing is, as far as rugs go, this one will have only a .338 inch hole to sew up...
Sure, a little far back, but it was quartering away and taken beyond 200 yards from the standing tripods. BTW who are you to critique my client!! :mad:

Elkgunner has a point when he questions my bullets. They are 250gr. local Claw Bonded, basically a thick-walled brass cup with deep base and lead core, chemically bonded to prevent fragmentation. I have quite a collection of used Claw bullets in several calibres, all of which much-roomed well and lost little if any weight. Fact is, however, that both Gunner’s zebra and the gemsbok had no exit wounds.
Yesterday I have spoken to the guy who worked the meat. He had not found any bullets along the sections that he had cut.
" BTW who are you to critique my client!!"

Uhhhhh, If you don't alow questions, then you'r hiding something ;) J/K, I know Gunner can't shoot well, You should see him when Geese fly over ... EEGADS !!!!!

Gunner is bringing all his Pictures over next Wed for a BBQ and I'm looking foward in hearing all his lies .. Errr stories ;)
When do I need to plan a trip to the Moose Palace for a slide show and BBQ??

Congrats to you and girl 'Gunner! I'm betting that she'll be the talk of the class come Aug!
So can anyone get invited to this shindig? I wouldn't mind seeing some pics myself.
Oh Heck (remember I'm from UT), I can't make it then as I'll be heading back to IN for the sis-in-laws wedding. Guess I'll just have come up later. Have fun folks.
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