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Elk Talk - Live Video Q&A

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT

In the last couple months we've been experimenting with some ideas of how to answer the many emails I get related to our elk hunts. In talking with partners about the volume of PMs and emails, they suggested I do a live Q&A. I take questions and answer them live. They have offered to handle the hardware, software and logistics to distribute the content.

So with that, Bowtech, Leupold, and RMEF have pushed me to use the Bowtech Livestream Platform to do a Q&A session on Wednesday nights, 10pm ET (8pm by my Montana clock.) This new idea is being titled Elk Talk.

It comes with some serious apprehension. First, I'm hardly an elk expert. There are guys who have some amazing success on big bulls. I happen to be the lucky one who gets to travel to 6-8 different places each year, hunting elk or helping others who are hunting elk, over a wide array of seasons and geography, making a ton of mistakes that I hope to not repeat. Most my answers will be based on two decades of trail and error, mostly error, chasing public land elk in most of the western elk range.

Second, I'm accustomed to TV content, where you film something and it airs ten months later. Now, I'm diving into the pool where it is live streamed ten seconds later; no re-take, no edits, just walking the high wire without a net.

You can watch and provide questions on our Facebook page, the Bowtech and Leupold Facebook pages, or the RMEF website stream they will be using via the Livestream service. As we get more comfortable and we work out the kinks, we will eventually expand it to the websites and YouTube channels of the partners and our own. The recorded video files will be out on your YouTube channel.

Wish me luck. I'm going to need it. Thanks for following and/or providing any questions.


Our Facebook feed will be at this link - https://www.facebook.com/randynewberg
you don't need luck , just be you
you have been on many elk hunts and gain experience from these hunts, this is what you need to share (as you do in your videos) what you learned from your success and failures

the videos , talks, etc provide a lot of information that can help , give confidence and hope to hunters to give them the confidence to go hunting , great job you have done for us
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We are going live again tonight at 8pm Mountain Time.

Follow here on our Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/randynewberg

Or the livestream page here on Hunt Talk - https://onyourownadventures.com/elk-talk/

Look forward to any and all questions. Last week we had over 200 questions from all the participating companies. Too many to get through in a half hour, so we might run a bit longer tonight.

Here was last weeks episode that we've put up on our YouTube channel. Thanks to all who watched.

Really enjoy these ! Thanks for sharing all this info with those of us that aren't as experienced and need advice from the expert!:) Also been enjoying the bear hunt on youtube.
For those who many not have caught Elk Talk Q&A Episode #2, here it is on our YouTube channel.

Tonight we are giving away a Bowtech Reign 7, along with a Leupold Rangefinder and Leupold binoculars.

Sign up here -https://bowtecharchery.com/bowtechlive/

Or text "RANDY" to 313131 and you will be entered.

These are turning out to be a ton of fun, for a lot of reasons. Helps me see what little I really know about hunting. And gives us an idea of what the viewers are thinking for purposes of what new content we will be producing.

Thanks to Bowtech, Leupold, and RMEF for doing this.
Big Fin, are you on for tonight or is it going to be pushed to next week? Hadn't seen anything since you mentioned your schedule conflict last week.
Caribou Gear

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