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Elk Talk - Live Video Q&A

Did it end up happening last night? I tried to watch for a while and video and audio both were having problem. It looked like it went off air early and didn't come back.

We tried that night and it crashed due to the software platform deciding to do an update in the middle of the live event. Given the technology of today, I'm amazed that live streaming still has the complications it does. We tried it twice while I was on the road, with very limited success. Now that I am back in the office, we are trying it again, hardwired to the internet connection, without any bells and whistles that will allow a software problem in midstream.

So tonight, we are again going live at 8PM Mountain Time. Catch it at the links below.

Watch at the links below.

Facebook Link - https://www.facebook.com/randynewberg


Link to watch on Livestream >>>>---------->
Last Monday was a big audience, so tonight, another Monday, we are going live again at 8PM Mountain Time. Links below.

Facebook Link - https://www.facebook.com/randynewberg


Link to watch on Livestream >>>>---------->
We will also try it on Instagram @randynewberghunter
Getting closer to elk season, so we are going live again at 8PM Mountain Time. Links below.

Facebook Link - https://www.facebook.com/randynewberg


Link to watch on Livestream >>>>---------->
We will also try it on Instagram @randynewberghunter
Given that Tuesday nights are working good, we are going live again tonight at 8PM Mountain Time. Links below.

Facebook Link - https://www.facebook.com/randynewberg


Link to watch on Livestream >>>>---------->
We will also try it on Instagram @randynewberghunter
Given that Tuesday nights are working good, we are going live again tonight at 8PM Mountain Time. Links below.

Facebook Link - https://www.facebook.com/randynewberg


Link to watch on Livestream >>>>---------->
We will also try it on Instagram @randynewberghunter
Thankful to usually be off work on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so I can catch the live version and interact, if not still nice to watch afterwards. I learn and laugh a lot. Thanks for answering my question for my brother about his OTC Mule Deer rifle hunt in October out in South East Idaho and my Fall black bear tips question. I will definitely have to contact the biologist with a couple well thought out questions, like where to find those choke cherries you mentioned. My 62 Dad is going to at least tag along, be camp cook and fish, so this should be a fun family event when we go. Driving from West Virginia to Idaho for our first western big game hunt. I asked if we could stop in Colorado since I paid $80 for a small game license to buy a preference for elk and mule deer there. Maybe ground pound some grouse for some sweet camp meat. Haha
Let's see, watch a dozen Presidential candidates yell over the top of each other and the pundits tell who won/lost, or spend an hour with some folks who ask some pretty funny questions? Pretty easy answer; we are going live again tonight at 8PM Mountain Time. Links below for Elk Talk Live.

Facebook Link - https://www.facebook.com/randynewberg


Link to watch on Livestream >>>>---------->
We will also air it on Instagram @randynewberghunter
Let's see, watch a dozen Presidential candidates yell over the top of each other and the pundits tell who won/lost, or spend an hour with some folks who ask some pretty funny questions? Pretty easy answer; we are going live again tonight at 8PM Mountain Time. Links below for Elk Talk Live.

Facebook Link - https://www.facebook.com/randynewberg


Link to watch on Livestream >>>>---------->
We will also air it on Instagram @randynewberghunter
Agreed I learn more and have more good natured laughs in one hour of Elk Talk Live than watching any of those out of touch clowns in a suit or dress no matter how long that program is on.
Figured we better do what we can before we hit the road soon. That means we are going live again tonight at 8PM Mountain Time. Links below for Elk Talk Live.

Facebook Link - https://www.facebook.com/randynewberg


Link to watch on Livestream >>>>---------->
We will also air it on Instagram @randynewberghunter
Took a two-week absence while in Nevada earlier this month. Might be the last one we get done for another couple weeks. We go live again tonight at 8PM Mountain Time.

Facebook Link - https://www.facebook.com/randynewberg


Link to watch on Livestream >>>>---------->
We will also air it on Instagram @randynewberghunter

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