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Elk Story


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2014
Glasgow, MT
Inspired by @Gulf of America hunting recap I’ve decided to share my hunt on this past years New Mexico elk permit.

I started the morning off with a southwest omelette, hash browns and sour dough toast. Got the tent set up by 4:30 below one of my favorite glassing points, started glassing and found a bull I would shoot. First photo is from this past summer scouting and is the same spot I found him from, red dot is where I shot from, blue dot is where he was at. IMG_1051.jpeg
The one photo I got of him through the spotter before I had to cover ground before the sun went down.
Got over there and put 3 168gn bergers in the boiler maker at 280.
Had him bagged and tagged by 10:30 and walked back to the tent. Thought this was a neat hoodoo. IMG_1049.jpeg
Then at 12:30 I realized I had about 30 seconds to get out of the tent or I was gonna poop my pants so I threw a jacket on and made it about 30 yards from the tent before the aerial assault took place. 4:30 am I awoke and realized I had 10 seconds to get out of the tent or I was gonna poop my pants so I made it about 5 yards out of the tent before the second assault from Moscow took place. The southwest omelette put up a valiant effort but I was the victor with a backpack full of elk.
Haven’t pooped my pants since I was on deck in the bottom of the 7th at the 13 year old all star tournament. 20 year streak that I am very proud of.

Haven’t pooped my pants since I was on deck in the bottom of the 7th at the 13 year old all star tournament. 20 year streak that I am very proud of.
Some say that you should poop your pants once a year to make sure you still don’t like pooping your pants.
Greatness boldly achieved in frontiers where no man has gone before. Congratulations Captain Kirk.

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