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elk hunting with a few friends


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2019
heading to Idaho for the 2020 season this will be my 2nd dyi but first with a bow going out with a few friends 6 total and this will be the most interesting hunt Ive ever been on I am sure
Ive been elk hunting a few times and have been lucky to have a nice bull and had great hunts, but mostly have gone by myself and since we decided to do this at the beginning of the year the more we talk the more I get to understand they dont have an idea what a west hunt is like some are starting to get it some havent looked into anything so this will be interesting to say the least,
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Good luck! Unfortunately, my experience with partners and distant trips is that at least half will probably chicken out between now and then. Hopefully not, maybe your buds are higher quality than some of the guys that have come to me and then flaked.

My advice is to plan the trip and carry through with it, whether everyone comes through or not. The first couple times it happened to me I stayed home, that sucked. Now I find solo trips thoroughly enjoyable, and after some success a couple family members are fairly reliable hunting partners. Sounds like you're experienced at going it alone though.

Sorry if this sounds negative, not meant to be. Good luck!
What state is your group traveling from? If it is a long haul half may be no shows, or possibly boat anchors if they do if they have never hunted out west. That is unless you know them well as good friends and know they 'have game' and are not quitters.

So easy to 'commit' to something 20 months out. so very easy.
I would echo what the other guys have already said and highly recommend you prepare yourself (and the others) of a group of simultaneous solo hunts for both logistics and mind set. That way, everyone has expectations managed in case some people want to bail altogether, leave early or just sit in camp and talk about how tired the elevation makes them. There are some advantages to groups working together but it's pretty rare to get several people on the same page. Elk hunting doesn't happen often enough to have someone else drag you down.
Hey guys thanks for the advice and I am all over it lol, I figure some will chicken out for sure. Im all in and already on tread mill ,eliptical and working out more intense being 56 those mountain seem to be getting bigger and steeper every time I go out and looking at splitting up into ones or twos to hunt I wont let some one who didnt prepare mess it up for me. Know matter what ill be having some fun if im lucky and fill my tag im happy to help someone else or work on my deer tag or wolf tag (would really like a wolf in the game room) we will be out for abt 10 days and Im one of the guys driving so if someone is crying like a little girl they cant go far and I will still be hunting lol
I'm going with previous replys haha. I'd say 50 to 75 % of hunting buddies bal on the big trips. Western elk hunt isnt a saturday deer hunt at a farm 45 mins from home
I encourage you to go this year with or without company. It’s not always possible but there is plenty of time still.
When my friends and I have traveled to hunt, we take a large envelope and everyone places a predetermined amount of cash in it. From departure to home we draw on that cash for all restaurant stops, hotels if needed, and gas expenses. Each expense is written on the envelope. Steak or burgers don't matter, the bill and tip comes out for the full amount. If the envelope gets light, everyone kicks in again at that time. So much better than keeping tract of who spent what or gassed up the rig last ("You had steak twice and I didn't? Then order steak"). We have found it especially helpful with larger groups. Snivelers are not invited back...
nothing worse than a dead beat friend who helps with nothing and knows even less when it comes to hunting
Hey guys thanks for the advice and I am all over it lol, I figure some will chicken out for sure. Im all in and already on tread mill ,eliptical and working out more intense being 56 those mountain seem to be getting bigger and steeper every time I go out and looking at splitting up into ones or twos to hunt I wont let some one who didnt prepare mess it up for me. Know matter what ill be having some fun if im lucky and fill my tag im happy to help someone else or work on my deer tag or wolf tag (would really like a wolf in the game room) we will be out for abt 10 days and Im one of the guys driving so if someone is crying like a little girl they cant go far and I will still be hunting lol

Not being critical, just the voice of a "few" experiences: I would say that if your primary goal is to take an animal you may be expecting a little much out of your experience (not necessarily your friends). I have always found that if I put a hunt together with friends from out of state or just friends in general who may or may not be seasoned hunters I make myself a promise (Do not expect or even hope to take an animal). I tend to have much more fun and enjoy my friends, camp banter and late evenings with beer in hand. Hunting is 2nd on the list and luck is a bigger factor. Don't get me wrong... I want to take an animal for sure but under those circumstances of which "I have agreed" I have to taper my "hunting" expectations and focus on a good time with friends first and foremost. If someone in the group takes an animal it's the icing on the cake. I have to preface this with: It's a bit easier these days as I am retired and hunt most of the year (starting now and ending late Oct.) so I get to spend plenty of solo time or with my long time hunting partner out in the woods but when hunting was a "once a year, eat up vacation time, get it done or wait till next season" type of thing it made it much more difficult to invite my brother from out of state (no hunting experience) or friends who didn't understand the requirements of a big game hunt so I do get it. Just remember to have a good time is all I am saying.
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I would get together and have a nice long talk about the trip and hunt. Nothing wrong with having someone in camp who isn't a die hard hunter but enjoys the experience. They can cook evening meals while you're out, keep some firewood split and watch camp all while spending some time hiking nearby and looking for sign close to camp.
The money envelope idea is a good one. Share expenses but get that straight before you hit the road.
Good luck!
I encourage you to go this year with or without company. It’s not always possible but there is plenty of time still.
I cant this year to many other things to do ,other trip with my fiance and that silly wedding thing LOL yup at 56 im getting married tried to get her to go on a hunt trip for honey moon but that went over like a fart in church lol
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I would get together and have a nice long talk about the trip and hunt. Nothing wrong with having someone in camp who isn't a die hard hunter but enjoys the experience. They can cook evening meals while you're out, keep some firewood split and watch camp all while spending some time hiking nearby and looking for sign close to camp.
The money envelope idea is a good one. Share expenses but get that straight before you hit the road.
Good luck!
When my friends and I have traveled to hunt, we take a large envelope and everyone places a predetermined amount of cash in it. From departure to home we draw on that cash for all restaurant stops, hotels if needed, and gas expenses. Each expense is written on the envelope. Steak or burgers don't matter, the bill and tip comes out for the full amount. If the envelope gets light, everyone kicks in again at that time. So much better than keeping tract of who spent what or gassed up the rig last ("You had steak twice and I didn't? Then order steak"). We have found it especially helpful with larger groups. Snivelers are not invited back...
NOW thats a great idea
When my friends and I have traveled to hunt, we take a large envelope and everyone places a predetermined amount of cash in it. From departure to home we draw on that cash for all restaurant stops, hotels if needed, and gas expenses. Each expense is written on the envelope. Steak or burgers don't matter, the bill and tip comes out for the full amount. If the envelope gets light, everyone kicks in again at that time. So much better than keeping tract of who spent what or gassed up the rig last ("You had steak twice and I didn't? Then order steak"). We have found it especially helpful with larger groups. Snivelers are not invited back...

We use the app splitwise, you basically create a group for the trip each person enters in expenses as you go and at the end it settles up everything and tells every who owes who money.
We use the app splitwise, you basically create a group for the trip each person enters in expenses as you go and at the end it settles up everything and tells every who owes who money.
Maybe I'm old and jaded. We like knowing ahead of time everyone is on equal footing, No one feeling the need to grab a bill to seem generous and no surprise expenses showing up at the end of the trip. "Well, I bought that cow call in Grand Junction and others used it" etc. We make the first contribution large enough that it seldom needs more added and it is understood what it is for ahead of departure. Lots of nice people want to go hunting, sometimes they don't realize how expensive it can be. I rather not be their banker...
Me either, that's why I'm outsourcing the responsibility to our phones lol
I guess Im not understanding how it works. Sounds like you are expecting everyone to pay what they owe at the end of the trip. If not than that sounds like a great app.
If I'm paying someones way, I want to know ahead of time not when they come up short...
If I'm paying someones way, I want to know ahead of time not when they come up short...

Ahh, yeah... doesn't really help with that. It's mostly just a way to accurately keep track of the tally as you go, which is nice as you know at any given moment who should be paying for that tank of gas.

But, I will give it to you your method is helpful for not having to deal with someone whining on the back end of a trip.
I usually just do the every other tank, every other ice bag kind of thing. Sometimes if we take someone else's truck, I'll buy all the gas.

I mean, really, what's the big deal among friends if one guy bought one more tank of gas than the other(s)? Anybody who'd get mad about that, I don't think I'd care to hunt with.

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