Elk Hunt Via Train

not many folks who haven't put at least a few minutes of thought into a DS train hunt for elk.

it's a massive undertaking that's very easy to underestimate.

some of colorado's most rugged, remote, and high country. even with the train, you're looking at very nasty packouts if you drop a bull.

unbelievably cool wilderness.

not many folks who haven't put at least a few minutes of thought into a DS train hunt for elk.

it's a massive undertaking that's very easy to underestimate.

some of colorado's most rugged, remote, and high country. even with the train, you're looking at very nasty packouts if you drop a bull.

unbelievably cool wilderness.

View attachment 337073
Wow... ruled out several (almost all of the IV and V's). The Hermosa looks like a good one. I bet if I found a guy with a truck, for a $100 bill, he'd take me, my buddies, and rafts up over Purgatory so we could hike and paddle down.
Curious T-bone what year was your pic taken.

About 2015. I was in there for G5 archery goat. That was when I almost committed homicide when a sheepherder stole my entire camp. A poker face he did not have.

It all ended well enough. San Miguel County deputies did great work and got most of my gear back when the sheep were brought off the mountain.

Had some amazing time in the Weimenuche, chasing God's pets with sharp sticks. Almost died a couple of times. :)

Time sure is flying by!

My last time in the country was four years ago on a fishing/backpacking trip. I know the elk numbers are down overall, but I wouldn't have known it. We saw hundreds on the daily feeding patterns.

I really don't think it's doable to get an elk out solo during archery season (without spoilage). If you're thinking on it, take a scouting trip/recreational trip in there first and apply some reality.

I think 2nd season is doable. You'd have all the time in the world once you got the boned-out meat hung in the timbered north slopes. Of course you'd be fighting snow and no train to shuttle you back to Silverton, which is one of my favorite towns on the planet.
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adding on to @T Bone, I was in there for a goat hunt way back, there are elk for sure but the train isn't the way to access them, nor is the river.

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