Elk down!


Jan 21, 2001
Wyoming MI, USA
Well, I just got back from my Arizona elk hunt and let me tell you it was great. Elk hunting is little like deer hunting up here. I learned alot and loved every second I was hunting elk. I'm tired so I'll keep this short and say I need practice judging disances, or a rangefinder. After missing 2 elk (I know they are huge animals but between my shaking and my misjudging distances.) I finally bagged one on my second to last chance at hunting (Friday Night). Out of seven tags at my camp 5 were filled by Saturday morning, all hunters at our cxamp had shots, so if you ask me we did pretty good. More details and pics later.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-22-2002 20:29: Message edited by: DGF ]</font>
HEY KID, Welcome home !!!!! KUDOS on the ELk, and I'm stoked you had a good time. When you catch up with life, Share a story.

Question... were al 5 cows ? I can't remember if someone had a bull tag or not ?!?!

Congrats again !!!!
A big congrats to you and your camp DGF. That is great! I am looking forward to the full details of your hunt andthe pictures. Congrats again Dan
The Story:
Friday evening I was hunting a stand near a canyon that was being used by the elk. I had hunted this trail my first day out and had 5 elk (All cows) walk about 45 yards from me but none presented shots that I was willing to take. 2 elk, a cow and last years calf walked behind me up a trail. They walked about 5 yards beneath the tree I was hunting and the 18 month spotted me but I didn't move. They slowly continued on and passed me. Once they passed I drew and a slightly quartering away shot presented itself. I shot at 25 yards and landed what I thought was a little high of a shot, but actually the angle was perfect, sneaking between the ribs and taking out both lungs. The arrow exited right behind the cows left shoulder and stayed poking out for about 20 yards of her 75 yard dash down the canyon (Talk about a bitch to get out!). Thinking I may have only cought one lung I waited about 2 1/2 hours to track with my uncle and another of his friends from camp. She left a decent blood trail once the arrow exited her body. Damn was I happy. That was the last eveing I had to hunt before I had to leave Saturday around noon, so you can immagine my excitment after having messed up shots on 2 elk previously because of misjudging distance. I think I'm addicted!

One bull was taken by my uncle, a small raghorn, all the others were cows. Pics will follow this post.

~Dan~ :D
Me and my elk:


My cousion Cody and his good eating elk:


My uncles small bull:


Me and my uncle skinning my cousions elk:


I've got a few more but I'm to lazy to post them now. I may post the others elk and some camp pics later.

Way to go!! Nothing like a last minute animal. When you shot her how far was she from the pickup?? Glad you got your elk, she will taste great!!
Elky, that'd be great if you could post the pics. Do you need me to e-mail them to you or can you get them from the properties? Thanks,

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