Well, I just got back from my Arizona elk hunt and let me tell you it was great. Elk hunting is little like deer hunting up here. I learned alot and loved every second I was hunting elk. I'm tired so I'll keep this short and say I need practice judging disances, or a rangefinder. After missing 2 elk (I know they are huge animals but between my shaking and my misjudging distances.) I finally bagged one on my second to last chance at hunting (Friday Night). Out of seven tags at my camp 5 were filled by Saturday morning, all hunters at our cxamp had shots, so if you ask me we did pretty good. More details and pics later.
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-22-2002 20:29: Message edited by: DGF ]</font>
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-22-2002 20:29: Message edited by: DGF ]</font>