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Elk Cam Pics 2022

I understand how the herds very but my point is find the core usage areas. Dont your elk have certain drainages or shelter spots that they consistently use? These areas i am use to hold elk most of the year (except nastiest of winter) and at times hundreds of elk will migrate right thru these areas from the park. These little holes are just perfect living conditions for elk and imagin you guys must have something simular. I hunt elk in a region of idaho and while there are no trees and the only cover is sage and rocks and have found spots that elk just seem to always be. The reasons they seem to be there vary but wind/weather shelter, water or agriculture lands are prodominate reasons. Reguarless the elk are there consistently, the larger open country bulls do seem to travel much further than the timber guys. Elk are just so facinating how they can adapt and live in different environments!
Still working on this! We are pretty new to elk, being our 3rd season here! The elk, where I put the camera I mentioned simply aren't there come fall. Snow proved that, wife and I covered MANY miles in that area with 6 inches of snow, found one set of tracks.

We will keep trying, keep looking and keep chasing! Not supposed to be easy!
For what it's worth I've had trouble in the past viewing video thru a phone card reader but pics come through just fine. I've been known to haul my laptop up the mountain.
Can confirm. He has been known to haul his laptop up the mountain!
They mess with the cameras so much I’m not even sure what part of their bodies I’m looking at half the time. There’s a spike and the rag horn that go from camera to camera assaulting them every night. I’ve dubbed them the “goon squad”
The goon squad must have managed to get my camera crooked last night. 1st pic is yesterday, then just now. 5B3B801E-3F73-4513-ABD4-F66324A6EE69.jpeg11AE4DC6-46B6-4175-8C8E-802763383564.jpeg
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