Elk Caliber and Bullet Choice - 2024

My SIL killed a nice 5pt Bull ,a few years back, using the HSM ammo 7mm RM/168 Berger. He had bought a used Tikka T3 Lite from a local guy because it was so lightweight. At that time, he and a friend would drop down in this huge but God-Awful deep canyon for elk. He got a pass through heart/lung shot around 250yds. That's only one example, but it worked. Many more guys seem to favor that 160 AB. Myself, I've killed more game with Barnes and NBTs than anything else, but they are not the only tool in the box! Have fun, don't get discouraged when you get tired/wet, that Bull could jump out when you least expect it! :)
Rev Jim…The book of Romans states that simply by observing the vast awesomeness of creation one must conclude that it was made by an awesome God! There is no better place to reflect on that than being in the mountains of Colorado. Discouraged? No way! I’ll be happy to simply be there! Getting a nice buck or bull is a bonus! Best of luck to you sir, and God bless!
I’d make sure to have 1or 2 judo tips on hand. I’m learning that those grouse make for a nice and tasty side show while chasing the bigger game.
My hunting partner last year killed one with his bow and we grilled it that evening. Pretty tasty too.
Tell me about your 338-06AI load with the Hammer. Been thinking about loading the 186gr. Hammer in the standard .338-06 for deer this fall.
Sorry it took so long to get back to you sir! I was using IMR 3031 behind it, in the standard 338/06 and it was pretty zippy! I just had my rifle rechambered to the Ackley Improved. When the smith set the barrel back a thread to cleanup the chamber/insure a crush fit for FF, it also set the Lands closer. In effect, I had to start all over, ha. I used R17 this time and settled on 59gr for right at 2900fps. I could go faster but accuracy fell off. I'm still playing with it, so I may end up with a 200 NBT/200 Hot Cor or even the 210 TTSX. I will shoot these bullets as I have them on hand. I spent quite a bit of my Play-Dough getting that Kimber 300 WSM purchased,set up and scoped as a gift to my Marine Reserve E9 Son In Law. He just Retired after 28yrs! He is going with me this year for cows.
I'll have a CO bull tag this year. If I have the money to put one of them together, a fast twist .264 Win mag with 129 gr Absolute Hammers or a 7mm STW with 140 grain Absolute Hammers. If not, my 8mm Rem Mag with 200 grain Partitions will probably get the nod. I've already chalked up one huge bodied Utah bull elk, three bears, multiple whitetails, plus one coyote with it. It has a Rock Creek barrel on it, and it shoots half inch groups at 100 yards. My zero verification for the Utah elk hunt produced a 200 yard 0.43" 3 shot group.
This year like last year my Weatherby Vangard in 300 Wby. with Barnes 180 TTSX. Or my tang safety M77 in 338 with Barnes 225 TTSX. Then later in the year my Green River Leman 58 cal. prb. Or if I want to just have fun I might pack either one of my Ruger SRH in 44 mag or 454 wearing a 2x scope and then a SBH 44mag or BSBH 454 with open sights. Decisions decisions :)
Made the decision to have my 338/06 AI reamed out to the Weatherby 338 RPM with a 4D Weatherby Freebore Reamer. I just wasn't satisfied with my overall results with either the A-Square std or the Ackley (much as I love them!) More power! and I still have my sweet handling little rifle. Oh yeah!
Made the decision to have my 338/06 AI reamed out to the Weatherby 338 RPM with a 4D Weatherby Freebore Reamer. I just wasn't satisfied with my overall results with either the A-Square std or the Ackley (much as I love them!) More power! and I still have my sweet handling little rifle. Oh yeah!
I don’t think you’ll regret that if you’re looking for a bit more out of those! I’ll stay tuned on that one!
Made the decision to have my 338/06 AI reamed out to the Weatherby 338 RPM with a 4D Weatherby Freebore Reamer. I just wasn't satisfied with my overall results with either the A-Square std or the Ackley (much as I love them!) More power! and I still have my sweet handling little rifle. Oh yeah!
So you're a hellfire and brimstone kind of parson, eh? Should be a sweet rig!
Elkhunter...I'm an Old Zwickey Eskimo man myself! ha And I can proudly say that I a Member of the "Missed an Elk Club"! 25yds, right at dark, broadside cow eating the top out of a young spruce. "Chink". My arrow hit an almost invisible dead spruce limg the size of a number two pencil! She barked like a dog and her and about 20 unseen elk stormed off like wild horse! It was exhilirateing! ha
Made the decision to have my 338/06 AI reamed out to the Weatherby 338 RPM with a 4D Weatherby Freebore Reamer. I just wasn't satisfied with my overall results with either the A-Square std or the Ackley (much as I love them!) More power! and I still have my sweet handling little rifle. Oh yeah!

I like your idea! Grafs has Peterson brass for it.
Elkhunter...I'm an Old Zwickey Eskimo man myself! ha And I can proudly say that I a Member of the "Missed an Elk Club"! 25yds, right at dark, broadside cow eating the top out of a young spruce. "Chink". My arrow hit an almost invisible dead spruce limg the size of a number two pencil! She barked like a dog and her and about 20 unseen elk stormed off like wild horse! It was exhilirateing! ha
Gotta love archery elk hunting! Reading your post about Zwickey broadheads brings back the days when I hunted with a stykbow. Tons of fun
I'll have a CO bull tag this year. If I have the money to put one of them together, a fast twist .264 Win mag with 129 gr Absolute Hammers or a 7mm STW with 140 grain Absolute Hammers. If not, my 8mm Rem Mag with 200 grain Partitions will probably get the nod. I've already chalked up one huge bodied Utah bull elk, three bears, multiple whitetails, plus one coyote with it. It has a Rock Creek barrel on it, and it shoots half inch groups at 100 yards. My zero verification for the Utah elk hunt produced a 200 yard 0.43" 3 shot group.
Wow thats crazy good shooting!
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