PEAX Equipment

Elevation and Grizzly Bears during scouting and hunting for Elk?


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2018
Bozeman, MT
I hunt mainly in southwest Montana so grizzly bears are something to think about. I start hiking a bunch during the summer, some of which is also scouting for elk throughout the summer. My question is what elevation/food source will grizzly bears target each month, say from June 1 till hibernation? Wanting to know which habitat type and elevation on the mountain I should maybe avoid during a certain time of year.
From what I've seen, they stay higher in the spring going after the green grass and move lower in the fall.
I hunt mainly in southwest Montana so grizzly bears are something to think about. I start hiking a bunch during the summer, some of which is also scouting for elk throughout the summer. My question is what elevation/food source will grizzly bears target each month, say from June 1 till hibernation? Wanting to know which habitat type and elevation on the mountain I should maybe avoid during a certain time of year.
Specific to SW Montana; they’ve trapped them on top of the gravellies and had them on camera done by the reservoir the same day. They can be anywhere at anytime.
The majors i think of are:
Spring: elk calfs/fawns, new growth grasses.
late summer: moth hatch.
fall:elk hunters, pine nuts?.

Everything else is just foraging/scavaging/opportunity meals at ALL elevations between these events, sure there are more.
I think GPS collars have confirmed the idea that bears roam a lot of up and down on a mountain any time they are not hibernating pretty much at will. You used to hear a lot about the "following greenup up slope" or "coming down to hunt elk calves." The only thing here in NW MT that is consistent is huckleberries. If you have ripe berries, you will find bearshit. Anything else is pretty much guesswork, IMO. I say, keep your bear glasses on and your head on a swivel. Look for bear sign all the time and assume it's from a grizzly until proven otherwise.
Also I will say in fall elk and bear habitat preferences have plenty of overlap. They both like cool dark north slopes with water and good habitat security. Gut piles so much the better. That said, bears are where you find 'em. Elk too.
This is info from the glacier area but still relevant. "On the east side of Glacier, some grizzlies spend all summer in the lowland meadows and aspen groves, returning to the high country only to hibernate. Others spend springtime in the valleys, dining on the succulent early growth, but then return to the high country for the rest of the growing season." Basically you should expect to see them at any elevation
I wonder if they frequent the high-elevation bars after 5:00 each day. Do you happen to know their favorite beer? Do they like a wheat beer over a pilsner? How about dark beers? Anybody want to take a guess?
I wonder if they frequent the high-elevation bars after 5:00 each day. Do you happen to know their favorite beer? Do they like a wheat beer over a pilsner? How about dark beers? Anybody want to take a guess?
I believe they drink Summer Honey from Big Sky Brewing....
They can be anywhere, but in general:

Spring: Green grasses/forbs, transitioning to carrion (think areas that would have winter killed ungulates), and then to fawns/calves.

Summer: They hit the moth congregations pretty hard. Usually higher elevation talus fields.

Fall: Start moving alot and getting more aggressive in pursuit of food sources. Whitebark pine nuts and berries are a big food source for some of them in the fall.