Early Call for Partner - 2013 Caribou Hunt

On day 5 I spotted 4 bulls about a mile away, and after watching their route for a while Scott and I moved up the creek about 250 yards to intercept them. There were bigger bulls with this one, but I took the first clear shot I had, and was glad to down this guy.


A different pic of our camp and the country surrounding it – beautiful wild country.


After I shot my bull and we took care of the meat, we decided to fly back to town a day early, as the weather wasn’t looking good and we didn’t want to be stuck in camp for 3-4 days waiting for the weather to clear. A pic of the mountains surrounding our camp on the flight out.


Overall, another great adventure in the Alaskan wilderness, and made another great friend and hunting partner! Scott is eager to chase Alaskan moose now, so he and I may join up in the future. Can’t do it in 2014, as my best friend is already committed to go chase moose with me – his last try for an Alaskan moose, he has shot caribou in years past.
Great adventure had by you all. Wide and wild Alaska.

This last post is just over one year from your initial post on this thread calling for potential partners. Glad it worked out well for both you HuntTalkers.
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Happy for the both of you! Looks like an awesome adventure and congrats on two awesome trophies! Nothing like Alaska on this planet!
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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