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E Collar lifespan?


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2021
I have a Dogtra 280C that is about 6 years old. The collar and remote both have power, but collar stopped responding to remote. I tried re-pairing it. That process does not work. I'm going to call customer service and hopefully they can figure out a solution. I've replaced the batteries in them previously. I hope it's not dead.

In your experience, what is the lifespan of an E collar? I am annoyed that this thing appears to have croaked, but what is reasonable? What brands do you have experience with, and do you recommend them (or not)?
I’m running Garmins. Get used at least 300 days a year. I’ve replaced two of the three receivers. I’m beginning to suspect the transmitter might need a new battery, but after 10 years the dogs know the drill so it’s not like I’m not getting a response if needed.
The dogs are 11 and 12; I’ll be 68 when chukar season opens. Doubt I’ll need a replacement, E collar that is.
No thumbs but she figured out how to get it done.


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I have an about a dozen collars GPS/training combos …. Some are 5 or 6 years old and work fine. However I have switched batteries at times
I've had a couple old Tri-Tronics Model 70 systems that lasted over 20 years with battery change outs. Finally couldn't get parts for them, so I had to switch to a new Garmin system. So far, so good but I've only had it for 2 years.
I've had several different e-collars and hands down best has been the Dogtra's I have now. 1500 NCP is pushing maybe 16yrs and it quit charging on me. Found out there a small metal tab in the plug in hole to charge it and the thing was missing. Won't charge without that part! Well called Dogtra and the part was about a buck and got it in the mail post haste! Works like a million bucks again!
Got 2 Labs on Sportdog 825's for 6 years (black) and 4 years (chocolate). They get daily use because between hiking and making sure their brains are on around the property. No issues with either. No issues at all with the Sportdog collars.
My old Tritronics lasted 20 years - believe it was made in Arizona.

My Garmin Pro 550 is now 6 or so and going strong. Made in Taiwan.
Kenetrek Boots

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