Yeti GOBOX Collection

Dude.. Yeh ? or NEy ?

I actually racked my brain earlier for a couple mins and thought of Several things to say that went with you blowing for a FJ cruiser, I just didn't like the easy setup ;)
Toyota FJ's, and Hummers..YUPPIE MOBILES, wanna be outdoors people. I will take my Old Dodge (203,000 miles) any day ovr some of this new shit on the road.
Yeah, Moosie you're a 'wanna be' compared to a guy from NJ since you like a SUV! The only thing bad about driving a dodge and especially an old Dodge like Whiskers is that you'll end up wearing your kidneys for earmuffs! Roughest darn riding rigs I've been in.
I guess I have a real narrow view when it comes to four wheel drive vehicles. I have owned one utility vehicle and I have totally sworn them off. They absolutely suck for hunting purposes. Now if I spent a lot of time just four wheeling and dinking around the hills/mountains just for the sake of going for a ride then a utility vehicle might have some purpose, but I don't. Nothing worse than throwing a tick covered deer, or flea infested coyote in the back of your Yuppy-Mobile (read utility vehicle) then driving home a couple hours. It takes weeks to get those little pest's out. Don't tell none of you have ever done that either. If you hunt much at all you will soon discover that a truck bed is mandatory not an option. Aside from the bugs there is also the issue of smell. Toss a coyote or a badger in the back of your SUV and let me know how much you little that wild outdoors smell. On top of that there is the clean up issue. Most SUV's have carpeted cargo areas (read faggy to the max). I'd much rather toss dead critters in the bed of my truck, let the wind blow the daylights out of the little creepy crawlers on the way home, and then spray the back of my truck out at the carwash. No carpet to worry about getting blood, deer snot, or coyote piss on. No funky smells to deal with unless you are riding with Greenhorn. No bugs in the cab. SUV's are for soccer mom's, homo's, and movie stars. Oops those last two sound kind of redundant.
I don't like the soft tops one little bit. Too darn drafty in the cold months and can't see out the plastic windows. As for hauling stuff out, they are just as miserable when it comes to the bugs and smell issues, not to mention there tain't much room back there to haul out an elk or bear. They sure can climb though. In my opinion if you get stuck in a Jeep y'all probably shouldn't have been there in the first place. They may very well be the ultimate off road vehicle, but not necessarily the ultimate hunting rig. It may sound like a double standard, but I just can't not like CJ-5's and 7's. A fully tricked out Jeep is one bad-look'n mutha...especially the 70's and early 80's models.
Moosie said:
Hey Big Sky, what if a Guy had a truck for Hunting, and a SUV for Pittling around town and for work ?

Then you are definitely a yuppie. There is one loop hole in the book of Manliness though. If you claim it's your wife's vehicle then you are off the hook.;)
I agree about the soft tops. Don't like 'em. I've always wanted a CJ-7 hard top. Figured I could tow it behind my truck to camp and use the jeep for getting around. Yeah, kind of like an ATV, but warmer. ;)
Washington Hunter, one of my best hunting partners just replaced his soft top with a hard top on his CJ-7. It's the third CJ he's owned and the first time he's had a hard top on one. We went coyote hunting a couple weeks ago just after he installed it. It was a night and day difference. In fact, it was almost like sitting in a completely different vehicle. It went from being nearly impossible to see out of, to more visibility than most vehicles. I was hugely impressed. Oh and the heater actually just about cooked us right out of the thing, whereas with the softtop we usually froze the entire time.
So If I got one, I would go from an outdoors hunter to a wann be outdoors person ??!?! Or would I still be an Avid hunter with different tastes ? Man, now I'm confused ..

Nope you'd still be an outdoors person, with a liberal point of view.

Yeah, Moosie you're a 'wanna be' compared to a guy from NJ since you like a SUV! The only thing bad about driving a dodge and especially an old Dodge like Whiskers is that you'll end up wearing your kidneys for earmuffs! Roughest darn riding rigs I've been in.

Well if we all lived where you lived, the population would be greater than NEW JERSEY. That rough riding truck comes in handy on cold mornings, my kidneys keep my ears warm. I have to drive 2,000 miles to hunt elk, but you have to drive 2000 miles to catch Tuna. Its all a wash. I can kill 6 buck a year, and unlimited doe, how bout you.
You can catch all the tuna you want, I have very little interest in fishing. I'm sure there's a few outdoorsy folks in/from NJ. Heck Capstick was from there. But just to claim that because you drive a POS Dodge you're more of an outdoorsman than someone with an SUV is a bit loony. For the record I don't have an SUV.

Sky- I could get along with an SUV for hunting I think, there's very few critters I take home whole. Most are boned out in the field and then go into a cooler. But, I didn't do that this fall in MT, as I was able to get both to the rig whole.

I will say this, I've taken some yuppie rides (Tahoes, Colorados, Durangos) into some pretty rough country for work...and they did quite well.
But just to claim that because you drive a POS Dodge you're more of an outdoorsman than someone with an SUV is a bit loony.

One pointer, that must be your $*)Q!#@$ IQ, because I never said I was more of an outdoorsman because of the vehicle I drive. Half of this shit is in jest, so chill the #*^@#* out.
Don't care what you guys say, that truck will kick ass off road. Look at the ground clearance! look at the skid plates! I will take one, and Miller will want to date me for it, So Moosie will be jealous.
schmalts- I want seconds...! ;)

whiskers- I'm not sure I'm the one that needs to chill out...
Hey, just for the record I NEVER said that vehicle or that most SUV weren't good off road vehicles. Just said they aren't my cup of tea for hunting. Pointer I understand the boning out, packing out thing. I do my share of that too, but when it comes to turkeys or most varmits like coyotes, foxes, and badgers I prefer to haul them home in one piece and then skin them at home in a warm place like a heated garage or shop. Turkeys carry tick's something fierce up here in the spring, and there is no such thing as a coyote, fox, or badger without fleas 'round here. I really prefer such things ride in the bed of a pick up rather than in the same cab area as I'm in.