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Dubya's Sweet Home Alabama....


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
This is just silly... First they are destroyed, and now 4 weeks later, they re-appear. Dubya can't evan organize a decent cover-up.... :rolleyes:

Bush's military payroll records, thought to be destroyed, surface:

WASHINGTON (AFP) Jul 24, 2004
President George W. Bush's missing payroll records from the period when he served in the Air National Guard during the Vietnam War surfaced here weeks after officials said they had been accidently destroyed, US media reported.
The records however do not resolve key questions over whether Bush did -- or did not -- show up for military duty in Alabama the period between May 1972 and May 1973, the Washington Post and the New York Times reported Saturday.

No other Guard member at the time remembers seeing Bush in Alabama, and Democrats accuse him of skipping military duty at a time when thousands of drafted Americans were risking their lives in Vietnam.

The Pentagon released copies of Bush's payroll covering the first quarter of 1969 -- when Bush served in the Texas Air National Guard, and the third quarter of 1972 -- when he had already transferred to the National Guard in the southern state of Alabama to work on the US senate campaign of a family friend.

The records show what Bush military records the White House released earlier had already shown: that Bush did not perform service in the third quarter of 1972, when he left his Texas Air National Guard unit to transfer to Alabama.

Various US news organizations, including the Post and the Times, sought Bush's records from the Pentagon's Office of Freedom of Information and Security Review.

In early July the Pentagon said the payroll records stored in Denver, Colorado, of numerous National Guard members were destroyed in 1996 and 1997 in a project to salvage deteriorating microfilm, and that no back-up paper copies have been found.

But Friday Pentagon officials said the early announcement was due to a mix up over boxes of old records.

"We're talking about a 30-year-old manual process for managing records," Bryan Hubbard, a spokesman for the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, told the Post. "That process has since been replaced."

The White House insists that Bush fulfilled his National Guard commitments, and note his 1973 honorable discharge from service.

Bush's service during the Vietnam war has become an election-year issue, especially among Democrats, who point out that Democratic presidential hopeful John Kerry is a decorated Vietnam war veteran.
"We're talking about a 30-year-old manual process for managing records," Bryan Hubbard, a spokesman for the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, told the Post.

DFAS and the hospital are the worst at misplacing things. Sometimes I get paid, sometimes I don't, sometimes I get vaccinations 2 or 3 times over again, because the hospital looses/misplaces my records. Back in Dubya's day there weren't photocopiers to make personal copies of everything in order to CYA. This doesn't prove a thing, other than DFAS was the same in 1973, 1996 and 1997 as it is today...very careless with records.

EG, that's my one post in SI for the week. ;)
Yes Mr. Ovis your predicamint is not at all unusual. The transfer and storage of permanent NG records was so bad in the 70's that when I moved from Ohio to New Mexico I handcarried my own 201 file. Couple of years ago I wrote to Saint Louis to recover some records and was informed of the problem in the "salt vaults" in the mid 90s which would have included my original paper files. I suggest that you not only "copy" your paper records; but, take each and every one to the county court house at your home of record and have it recorded. It is worth the few bucks to save aggravation when you need an authenticated record in the future! Do the same thing with your discharge records when you receive them.
Hell who keeps a bunch of crap from 30 years ago? [my wife] but really how many of us keep pay stubs from 30 years ago? they were talking about crap like that,[pay stubs etc.] This issue [GW`s Bush] records seem so trivial to me, he is already the President, so what the hell does this have to do with anything?
Well CJCJ there are those who would like to show that Mr Bush shirked his military responsibility like Mr. Clinton did, like Mr Kerry did, although Mr Kerry did report for combat duty at Camn Ranh Bay. (Any of you vets been to Camn Ranh?) The most deadly thing there was sand fleas! :rolleyes:
As it turns out; Mr. Bush may be the only one of the three who was actually in compliance with the law!
Mr Kerry did report for combat duty at Camn Ranh Bay...Mr. Bush may be the only one of the three who was actually in compliance with the law!
I would just like to say...huh??? :confused: :confused: :confused:

So, Mr. Kerry reported for combat duty, was wounded in action, and you are suggesting that he was out of compliance????

FYI, I don't particularly like either Mr. Bush or Mr. Kerry, but as a veteran, I think it is rather strange that you regard reporting for duty as noncompliance.

If you, Mr. Foreman, are implying, suggesting, or stating that Mr. Kerry was breaking the UCMJ and committing a crime of some sorts, perhaps you should be the one watching your mailbox!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Yes Mr. Guppie9, it is rumored that his third Purple Heart is undocumented as to occurence and presentation. If this proves to be true he will be in violation of Federal Law wherein he claims to possess and apparently has worn a third purple heart which may have not been earned/documented.
Other than that it seems that both he and Bush complied with existing laws and legally avoided aspects of military service.
Well Mr. Foreman, as much as I detest the man, Hanoi John's third purple heart is documented both as to occurence and presentation. A mine did detonate close to his swiftboat and he did receieve a laceration. There are hundreds of men who received similar lacerations in battle without mention, or even thoughts of mention. Only an opportunists of great magnitude would milk this happening as he did....sadly, there are also thousands of his like abounding in our society. :mad:
Even Foxnews hasn't reported on this so called rumor.
Cpl. Irons, you may want to alert Sean Hannity, Rush, Anne Coulter, Drudge and O'Reilly as they haven't been able to turn up this rumor either. You suppose all the fact checkers they employ just don't have your insider info? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


FYI... That last post of yours does not show very much respect to the Imaginary Corporal.....

Don't you think somebody who plays dress-up and has his own website deserves more respect than that???
Well I suppose it is possible that the report is wrong or has some bad information or quite possibly has access to greater knowledge than we at present. I don't know, I wasn't there at the same time. Let's just keep our ears open and see what shakes out!

Is the Imaginary Corporal now questioning the validity of his own information???

If you get a real burn while cooking as an Imaginary Corporal, do you get an Imaginary Purple Heart??? :rolleyes:

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