Dubya Leaves More Children Behind....

I think there is a hole in the canoe; completely missing the boat here. Among my personal acquaintences/friends count Archie Griffin (Bengals), Harry Galbreath Packers, Jets, Dolphins),John Schleuter(Falcons), and Mat Suisasopo; I played football starting with Pop Warner and think the sport is great; but, what does it have to do with education???
Originally posted by Erik in AK:
I must admit my advocating the federalization of public education is a departure from my otherwise conservative POV.

Our schools are broken and its the only thing I could come up with that might possibly fix the problem.
Out of all the well thought things you have posted, the post on education was good. You looked at an issue, and came to a logical, workable solution. That is how all issues should be addressed, instead of repeating the "party" line.

Look at some of the "conservatives" who made posts here.... "Teach the kids in shifts, you can move 3,000 units of kids thru the factory each day"......"Cancel the sports/arts/extras, as school is intended to bore everybody to death".... What a bunch of Rush Limbaugh parrots. At least you had an authentic opinion.
Originally posted by pawclaws:
Among my personal acquaintences/friends count Archie Griffin (Bengals), Harry Galbreath Packers, Jets, Dolphins),John Schleuter(Falcons), and Mat Suisasopo; I played football starting with Pop Warner and think the sport is great; but, what does it have to do with education???
Are you trying to impress anyone???? :rolleyes: If you are going to claim acquaintenance with someone, you could at least brag about their most relevant accomplishments.... To call Archie Griffin (two time Heisman Trophy Winner from Ohio State) a "Bengal" shows that you probably don't even know him, or at best, drove past him at the stop sign. His greatest days on a football field were at OSU, not Cincinatti. Kinda like how your glory days peaked at Pop Warner....

What would possess you to list people you know as acquaintenances? :rolleyes:
Elkgunner; Your parents teach you to be rude, ill mannered, and obnoxious or did you learn it all on your own? :( Words show absolutely nothing my friend; especially when they spew so fluently through one's teeth without ever stopping to rest upon one's brain tissue for examination. How old are you? My guess would be 17. My experience tells me that good social skills are usually developed by 18 and mastered by 19. For the information of you other readers (cause I could not care less whether Elkgunner believes me or not): Griffin dated my secretary. Schleuter was a young Airman in my civil Engineering squadron in Ohio. Galbreath is a family friend and on occasion calls me "Uncle Phil". He is a really decent kid, well not a kid any more but .... Mat, well his uncle and I became good friends at Fort Campbell. One day I'll tell you about the time I had Dave Waddel, Olympic Runner and gold medalist, run his mile and a half for his Air Force annual PT qualification. That was the year after I dumped the PT records for USAF Headquarters Command in the Potomac River by accident! :eek: Oh and my daughters went to school with "The Lynn twins" (and Harry Galbreath), and Johnny Cash bought my ex-wife a coke. (All true; irrelevant to this topic but true and said tongue in cheek to give the Elkgunner something to whine about.) :(
You know Elkgunner, if you questioned those grocery store check out lane rags, that you use for your primary information sources, the way you question folk who try to be honest and straight forward, you might actually learn something. To answer your Question; yes, every day I try to impress someone; me. You see Elkgunner I am happy with who I am although I'm not yet as good as I someday hope to be but thank God I'm better than I used to be. It's called self improvement. You really ought to try it.
Originally posted by pawclaws:
Sports is not the reason the kids are in school. There is ittle purpose to using public funds for non-academic purposes when dealing with education. You want to cure obesity? Unplug the sattelite dish, put together neighborhood softball teams, or even school softball teams.
I missed this one..... :eek: Just how lame do you have to be to think that "softball" would cure obesity. You ever look at the bellys on most softball players>???? :rolleyes:

I know anything I can hold a beer while playing (Center field, golf, bowling, etc..) is not going to cure obesity.

Sounds like somebody couldn't make the Baseball team, and had to play on the girl's softball team??? :D
"You ever look at the bellys on most softball players>???? " Uhhh MarS; would you like to handle my light work here??

OK then Elkgunner; how about "Dodge
I'd be tickled sh!tless if my kid played softball instead of gameboy. Atlest he'd be outside in the sunshine and fresh air which is a lot more healthy than sitting inside. Said as I sit in front of this computer with daybreak happening 30 minutes ago. But hey! It's raining so quit picking on me, dammit I don't have to answer to you guys! I mean come on, I've worked all week. Do you have to be so judgemental? OK fine!!! be that way! but if you're reading this you should be outside too! freakin hypocrits GEEEZZ

Paws,having me handling your light work is like using a .600 Nitro on Limb rats. :D

Who bought your kids the Gameboy?

It is funny, but if you don't own one, they don't seem to play it much....

Yesterday, after I ran my 3 miles, I fixed a flat on my littlest's bike, and sent her to a friends for playing. And then went and substitute coached my 11 year old's U-12 Soccer team (Hot Tamales) to their first victory of the season. (2-1 for those of you keeping score at home....)

And then we went up to the Middle School, and met 4 more friends, and played Tennis for 2 hours...

Never had a gameboy on.... Never had an X-Box on...

It is intersting that all the comments up above about the education system, and all the failings. But, as evidenced by all the kids who come from other countries to attend college, it must have something going right.

And I am a firm believer that all the Government owes the people is the OPPORTUNITY for an education. If you choose not to make the most of it, then too bad, but "you can lead a horse to water"..... And we have a good system available, many just don't sieze it.

Not to bash on you MarS, but I think it is the time parents spend with kids that makes the differences..... I am sure you do well, but just pointing out that as parents, we all have the opportunity to help our kids seize the opportunties made available by "the system".....
Elkgunner, the kids coming to the US for an education don't come for an education. You know as well as anyone, better than most, that education has much more to do with desire than institution. A kid who wants it will, as you say; seize it. Our foreign visitors are here for the culture, socialization, and the fruits of freedom even if only for a short time. They can get their education most anywhere.

And there are kids that come out the most corrupt school districts in America, with great educations.... It depends on if they are "taught" to sieze the opportunity.

It is funny, but in our grade school, the same half dozen parents are the ones that volunteer in the classrooms, officers in the PTO, chaperone the field trips, coach the youth sports, and, lo and behold, have the kids at the head of the class....
I finally agree with you on something. My wife and I have three grade school age kids. We have been involved in nearly every activity they do from school plays to science fairs to their sporting activities to fund raising activities. There are only a handful of parents who want to be involved and you are correct those kids are at the head of the class. Our schools need us all to be involved every day.
Good post and couldn't agree more.
ElkGunner, Naturally I bought the kids the gameboys, winter days are long, road trips are boring , it gives them something to do when we visit people without kids and there is down time. Out in the sticks , too often there isn't anything productive to do as far as play with cornfields all around. to be honest I bitch about the gameboy but they spend more time with Lego's creating wierd stuff. Summertime they spend most of their time on ATVs or in the pool.

As far as doing things with them, I've never been a jock and sports have never held my interest. So,those are out. Going to the woods is next to impossible here, which is something they love.

As far as volunteering at school, I've tried but see I'm not in the clique, not a State Farmer, or snob. I volunteered several times to chaperone events, the sign up sheet the kids turned in was ignored.

But even with all the disadvantages I've offered them they are both straight A students, they've never been in trouble , and neither one waste time watching the sporting event of the week.
What a bunch of Rush Limbaugh parrots. At least you had an authentic opinion.
This is an ignorant thing to say...
I don't see you touting any thing except what our esteemed socialistic, liberal media has to say, pretty much word for word from your writings. Not to many new thoughts, just old tired rhetoric that has been pounded out for the last 65 years and is still not working, only costing the country more. As far as I know, there are still school sports in the one I have talked about, but the kids pay for the uniforms and the buss rides if they are so interested in playing. There are well put together shop classes and the students build things with their skills that are sold in the open market to keep these programs running. From what my nephew (some of you remember him as Elkchsr jr.) told me, some of the things sold are construction services that the kids participate in. I am not sure of the full extent of every thing they are doing, but it sounded pretty good to me, and they are actually learning a valuable trade and how the world works, instead of lessons like "Sally has two Mommies", “How to beat men down to be a better woman”, “Being gay is the way”. I know you, as most other liberals/socialists would rather sit back bang drums and throw money at problems. I am sure glad that these values weren’t in existence when this country was founded...

I had never seen a soccer game, until the first one my daughter played in, at age 5. Other than her games, I think I have only seen parts of a handful of games. But I do try to help the coach, and offer to set up the net, or be a line judge. Even an inept volunteer is valuable.

Classroom teachers are the same. I felt a bit out of place the first few times I walked in to help, but after a bit, it got to the point that if I was going in on a day with a substitute, the lesson plan had me teaching the class, and the Sub helping. (Those were the days that the Kindergartners all learned that Dams on the Lower Snake River should be breached, cattle should NEVER be on Public Lands, and only people with Fat-Asses ride ATVs. :cool:
:cool: )

For Civics lessons, they learned how to write letters to the Legislature calling for adequate funding to meet state and federal mandates. (They all used crayons.... ;) )

But, I can tell you (which kind of brings this all back to the original point of the thread), the big yellow bus that drops kids off at school each morning sure brings a hell of a challenge. From kids that didn't eat because there is no food at home, to kids with severe developmental limits, to kids that don't speak English ("American" for you Dubya supporters ;) ), to kids with dads in jail, and other things.

And when you see what the teacher has to deal with that is NOT teaching, I think they are worth every penny of their $25k per year, if not more.
Yes Elkgunner our education system is a mirror of our best and worst! Needs serious attention.

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