Dubya creates a National Park

Actually Clinton created it. From your link:
President Clinton signed the bill in November 2000 that authorized making the dunes a national park. It required the neighboring 97,000-acre Baca Ranch be acquired and attached to the park. The Nature Conservancy agreed to raise about $30 million for the ranch when Congress initially allocated only $6 million.

So far, Congress has paid a total of $27 million toward the ranch, said Charles Bedford, associate state director for the group's Colorado chapter. Other money has come from Great Outdoors Colorado, which uses state lottery money for parks and open space, the State Land Board and foundations.
There was no hunting here prior, because it was a National Monument. It's just changing status to a National Park. The way I understand it, the additional land of the Baca Ranch will go to NPS, USFWS, and USFS. The USFWS and USFS lands will be open to hunting, but (obviously) not the NPS lands. It's a good deal for hunters, and look, The Nature Conservancy was involved.

"The area is home to seven species — six insects and a mouse — not found anywhere else in the world. The wildlife includes deer, elk, foxes, coyotes, mountain lions and bighorn sheep."

How about hunting crows and doves there? Maybe some coyotes.
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