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DS in Colorado

Thanks everyone........it was a total blast! We went in two days early to a place I knew well and set camp. Those guys needed acclamating to the high alttitudes...they were wining and crying about the lack of oxygen available.....I had to snicker

After taking lightly the beautiful "slopes"
.......a day or two later, they were comparing the terrain and hunts to some of their sheep and goat hunts in Alaska
...I felt vendacated

Yepper Dan......I had a new cook in camp! I never cooked anything if you can believe that! Ray cooked cornbead and bisquits from scratch.....cut his own pork chops for breakfast, and generally had steak and potatoes with salad for dinner, or something equal....it was hard to hunt without taking at least 3 sh!ts along the trail!
...miserable I tell you!...MISERABLE!
Hey Fred....shoot me a mail I need to ask you something.....
Looks like a productive season DS. Good to have you back on the board.
DS.. I'm not buying that crap about you not cooking ...... I'll take Pug's Stance and CALL BS on ya right now ya lier
Now I know why you & John haven't answered my e-mails, you're out doing more-important things!

Great pics, and it sounds like a good hunt was had-by-all ( a VERY good hunt

I'm headed to CO in a couple weeks, drew an elk tag for the 2nd late-season. Hopefully I can enforce some 'population control' too.

I'll give you a call when I'm there, hopefully I'll have good-news by then

Looks like it was a "Great ending to a Great hunt!"
Well Moose Man......I know I can kick the shit out of Puglet's ass.....but I'll contemplate about your's until morning.....Good night all!
Looks like a big successful camp. Big Congrats to you DS! My camp did not fair as well.. I killed the only animal.. a small 4x4 buck.. I am still pissed.. Please email me so we can talk. I don't have your email addy anymore.. I got one returned so I'm not sure what yours is.. Take care and congrats again!
Ok Michael, mail is on the way....
and another thing......it's all about having fun and not about the horns, right?
Wow what a hunt. Congrats to the group and NICE deer. We didn't get out this year as we had a baby and if I could not go none of the others wanted to go. Maybe next year.
Yeah your right man. It is about having fun and we did that for sure. Also to be more clear I was pissed about not seeing many elk and not getting a bull. I can't wait to chat with ya. Take care