Ds and Anaconda's Pix.......




<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-10-2002 11:31: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
So Kurt, what do you think he would score?
I would imagine you could take a look at the pix and get real close......
Boman.....you can find the story on Dan's "Tales from the Flat Tops" post.......
Kurt...I just UPS-ed about 2 feet your way......hope it gets there without melting.....

Thanks Randy and LB and the rest of you........we had truely a great hunt.....just the whole thing played out better than expected going in. We moved at least 4 times and that took a lot of work, but we stayed with the migrating animals by doing that........and it paid off.
Congrats on all the scores, guys! Great to see some Colorado success. We had an RMEF committee meeting the other night and of the guys in the room I was the only one to have connected...and all I got was a calf!
We were hereing the same kinda stories coming off the mountain Todd......made me feel pretty fortunate. We did plan our buts off and study the migration maps.....and we needed snow to move them and got it. It's a dicey proposition but it can make for a great hunt. I saw over 200 elk the last day we hunted and could have smoked to magnum bulls.......but I had already played my hand so I had to just sit and watch them ease down the mountain with about 40 cows and small bulls.........
Way to go guys! Great pics, great animals, great times and great weather to hunt in. Cant ask for more than that. Sorry about the lost buck. :mad: It happens...

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