Caribou Gear

Drew Arizona Nonresident Desert Bighorn Sheep Tag - Kofa NWR. Dec. 2022.

I had a little luck in the Arizona Big Game Draw Results today. Very blessed and ecstatic.

1. 2022 Fall Desert Bighorn Sheep - Drawn Nonresident- Hunt 06044 Dates: 12/9/22 - 12/31/22 Any ram Unit 45C (Kofa National Wildlife Refuge) - 14 NR points. I am interviewing outfitters/guides very soon.

2. 2022 Fall Antlered Deer - Drawn Nonresident— Hunt 01033 Dates: 10/28/22 - 11/3/22 Unit 20C (Early) - 11 NR points. I am a veteran and will donate this tag to one of the Arizona Wounded Warrior programs. I already have a West River South Dakota deer hunt this mid-November with my buddy from Louisiana. An unknown disabled veteran will enjoy this tag and hopefully harvest a nice antlered Arizona buck.

USA still #1. Love it, baby. God please continue to bless America, Tom a/k/a TheGrayRider.
I drew a desert bighorn tag years ago in the Mojave Desert . I was a guide myself then and figured I would do my own hunt.

Fortunately I decided to talk with then hire Master Desert Sheep Guide Terry Anderson of the website below.

He operates out of California, Arizona and Nevada.

I doubt I would have gotten a ran without him. The zone I drew was one of, maybe even the hardest one and terrible drought had really cut the size of the herd down by half

Lots of folks will want to come along, Mostly they just get in the way, could even ruin your chances of getting a ram

I had a little luck in the Arizona Big Game Draw Results today. Very blessed and ecstatic.

1. 2022 Fall Desert Bighorn Sheep - Drawn Nonresident- Hunt 06044 Dates: 12/9/22 - 12/31/22 Any ram Unit 45C (Kofa National Wildlife Refuge) - 14 NR points. I am interviewing outfitters/guides very soon.

2. 2022 Fall Antlered Deer - Drawn Nonresident— Hunt 01033 Dates: 10/28/22 - 11/3/22 Unit 20C (Early) - 11 NR points. I am a veteran and will donate this tag to one of the Arizona Wounded Warrior programs. I already have a West River South Dakota deer hunt this mid-November with my buddy from Louisiana. An unknown disabled veteran will enjoy this tag and hopefully harvest a nice antlered Arizona buck.

USA still #1. Love it, baby. God please continue to bless America, Tom a/k/a TheGrayRider.
One of the things my guide did was have his son stash jugs of water around the desert mountains for us so we could go deep. The area there was bone dry, as is your zone and carrying enough water was just so heavy. I am not sure where you are from but even in December days on the lower deserts can hit 90 degrees and nights below freezing. I lived in the mountains overlooking the eastern high Mojave Desert

I was 60 when I drew my tag,,,on my first ever application,,,and I spent the three months previous seriously training and good thing too. Bring several really ohair combs as they are the best way of removing "Jumping Cholla" cactus balls from your legs.

Your hunt might well require covering a lot of ground under the cover of darkness in Cholla Country and one ball of cactus in your leg can ruin your hunt for sure.

I will never forget those hours each morning hiking across the desert flats under starlight to get to the base of steep chutes where we gained our elevation for a day's hunt.
I drew a desert bighorn tag years ago in the Mojave Desert . I was a guide myself then and figured I would do my own hunt.

Fortunately I decided to talk with then hire Master Desert Sheep Guide Terry Anderson of the website below.

He operates out of California, Arizona and Nevada.

I doubt I would have gotten a ran without him. The zone I drew was one of, maybe even the hardest one and terrible drought had really cut the size of the herd down by half

Lots of folks will want to come along, Mostly they just get in the way, could even ruin your chances of getting a ram

Hey what unit did you draw and hunt with terry? I work for terry! He has taught me a lot in a short time about hunting sheep. Very true though people always say they want to go and help then when it comes down to it they either bail or can’t make it.
I don't have experience hunting sheep with him but I know that Rom Dryden of Rincon Outfitters has a strong track record of getting people on quality sheep. PM me if you'd like contact info.
Hey what unit did you draw and hunt with terry? I work for terry! He has taught me a lot in a short time about hunting sheep. Very true though people always say they want to go and help then when it comes down to it they either bail or can’t make it.
Send me a PM with you phone number and we can talk.
I had a little luck in the Arizona Big Game Draw Results today. Very blessed and ecstatic.

1. 2022 Fall Desert Bighorn Sheep - Drawn Nonresident- Hunt 06044 Dates: 12/9/22 - 12/31/22 Any ram Unit 45C (Kofa National Wildlife Refuge) - 14 NR points. I hired an outfitter/guide already.

2. 2022 Fall Antlered Deer - Drawn Nonresident— Hunt 01033 Dates: 10/28/22 - 11/3/22 Unit 20C (Early) - 11 NR points. I am a veteran and will donate this tag to one of the Arizona Wounded Warrior programs. I already have a West River South Dakota deer hunt this mid-November with my buddy from Louisiana. An unknown disabled veteran will enjoy this tag and hopefully harvest a nice antlered Arizona buck.

USA still #1. Love it, baby. God please continue to bless America, Tom a/k/a TheGrayRider.
Congrats on the sheep tag. Drew 45A, last tag on my 2nd choice. Am still getting over the shock... Took 29 points, didn't think I had a chance with draw odds of 2%. Also hired a guide for this once in a life time hunt.

The training continues for the upcoming Arizona DBHS hunt but I am starting to shorten my hikes and workouts. Don’t want to get hurt or burned out before go-time. Autumn officially arrived yesterday! Best of luck to all this hunting season, TheGrayRider.
Smart move... Have increasd my steps from 3 to 5 miles a day over the last 10 weeks. Inclusive of this is 3 trips to gym a week for leg & core strenghtening. Took on a project this week & tweaked my back. Am having to stand down for the weekend while this levels out.

Ok. Final, final 7 mile training hike with weighted backpack yesterday afternoon. 10 days and a wake-up and the drive out West begins.

I am so blessed, grateful, and lucky to get to hunt desert bighorn sheep in our country. I almost feel selfish in a way??

Happy Thanksgiving to all and God please continue to bless America, TheGrayRider.

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