Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Dove Hunting

The Viperess

New member
May 27, 2001
Well went out for Dove today I did better then last year I got 2 this time. but I only used 10 sheels to get the 2 dove so I guess that not to bad.

Took the oldest out with me he did alot better then me.

But what counts is we had a blast just me and him.
Good Job, I wish my wife was into Hunting with our son, I have tried to get her to at least sit in a stand with him, you know she did that stuff when we dated! I think she was hunting too, but I was the Dear!
Just got back from Bass Pro Shop that is down the street, picked up 12 boxes of Dove loads as our season starts Saturday. My boy loves it, fast action and a lot of shooting. A client has 2000 acres just off of the Red River south of town and it is usually loaded with Doves.
Viperess, Best of Luck on your next outing.
GOOD shooting. It takes my about a box per bird :eek:
I went out with 2 friends today here in Az. We shot 3 limits (10 birds) each. One of my friends shot 2 Eurasia Collered Dove. First time I have seen that. Had a great time going to do it again this weekend. Fall is starting and none too soon, Good LUck, JLG.
We had the best opener is several years. I hunt an isolated area with water, trees & sagebrush. There are always birds....but the agricultural land had small grain again this year, and that's the key for bigger numbers.
10 hunters, 6 shot limits, 2 should have, and 2 simply napped next to a hay stack. The bar-b-q Tuesday evening was stupendous. 20# boneless standing rib whacked into "man-sized" steaks, much (sometimes too much) to drink, corn on the cob, Idaho bakers, french bread....didn't even need a sleeping bag.
It's here!
i went out hunting for the second time tonight used a box and a half of shells and got my limit (15)
Congrats VIp !!!! And to the Rest of ya too.

Wally, we're gunna HAve to Hook up for a Bird hunt this year (But rather Goose then Doves ;) )
I will be eating dove-kabobs this weekend. We literally have thousands of doves sitting in our fields of wheat and barley swaths.

Moosie, why not hunt both at once?
I went out 4 times since the opener. Our limit in AZ is 10. I went 40 of 98 for this season. I am going Blue Grouse hunting on the Kaibab, this weekend. My goal is to get a limit in one day which is 3. To date I have only taken 3 in the last 17 years here in AZ. So this may prove to be a tall order, Good Luck, JLG.
MY boy shot circle around me this year. Over 4 days we were like 32 for 175 or so. The girl wouldn't shoot but she was a good bird dog. The fields I've been hunting were fallow this year with a big for sale sign on it, over 1300 acres. I'll have to go else where next year I guess.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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