Its equally as disingenuous to deny that perspectives and public lands are going to be viewed differently regarding how the individual person interacts with those lands. People that are casual users of our wildlife and public lands, pay for hunts, swirl in and swirl out then head back to the high rise office in a big city...I don't expect a high level of understanding of the issues surrounding our public lands and wildlife.
Its not constantly in their wheelhouse like it is for the people that live, recreate, and advocate for public lands that live near them.
I have no quarrel with Junior, but he just simply isn't engaged in the process, nor down in the trenches, fighting for our public lands and wildlife, like so many of the local guys are.
I think its great that he enjoys the outdoors, but he is squandering an opportunity to really make a difference if he truly wanted to, IMO. I also worry that he's a bit too comfy with the Utah crowd...that's never a good thing.