Doing trail cameras wrong.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2016
central pa
I was doing some research on Youtube, and came accross a study on game cameras and their effect on on deer.
Results of study claims that a deer even seeing an inactive camera has an effect on them. Namely they react to it negatively.
Especially older mature buck. Once seen, buck never shows again.

They suggest mounting high, over 6ft, and setting to video instead of picture.

Thought i would pass this along.
I feel it has a lot to do with human scent at the trail camera or on the actual camera, the memory card and batteries. If you get the camera high enough off the ground, then wildlife is less likely to smell it or won't be able to get a good whiff at nose height.

I have a set up where one camera is 3' off the ground and another at 6' off the ground (they are within ten feet of each other horizontally). The mature bucks are some of the last to come in or get photographed, but they still come in.

I personally don't use video, but I'm going to try it in one spot just to see if the deer's reaction is any different.

What Camera? Two of these are within a few seconds of each other, the other is a year apart. I get critters looking at cameras all the time and they keep coning back ( verifiable same animal). I call BS, I think its human scent. I always wear my hunting gloves, boots and make sure I leave as little scent a possible.
I don't think it's the trail camera that's the deterrent. I'm with others that it is probably scent. Another thing is a lot of people here in the east put some type of bait in front of their trail camera which the mature bucks know spells trouble and is too good to be true. I have observed the latter extensively.

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