Dogs Nevada style


New member
Dec 31, 2004
here are afew pics from a couple years back, thought I show again, the top one I hit with a 357mag at about 10 yards from my pickup window after running her a couple miles in 18 inches of snow, the next picture is 2 weeks later went out with a friend and called these guys in 3 fell to my 270wsm (shown) and one falling to my 22-250 went out to where the 4 were killed saw about 30 so now I got to wait for the white stuff hump hump

I should of shot when I saw them but was deer hunting and deer were in the area :(


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I am gearin' up to get out and get after those suckers. Just waiting for the deer hunt to get over and then I am all about dogs.
I was up in a stand and had one of those suckers lay down about 250 yrds away from me in a field for 2 hrs. I'm from Indiana so we have to hunt with shotguns(slug guns). I've seen one every time I've been hunting this year. Hope they're still there in a couple weeks
Sorry, but I find it odd that a lisenced guide would be chasing animals with a truck and then shooting them from the window of his pick up, reguardless of what the quary may be.
Maybe your style, but hardly Nevada style.
Hey CRAP, or shall I say........ nah I wont, this was well b4 i started to guide, so if ya dont know keep your mouth shut untill ya know besides I know alot of ppl around here that run them down with snowmobiles I bet you would if ya given the chance

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