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Dogs are Hunting Partners - Let's see 'em

My old guy was 12 yrs last July. That would be Squirt.

Next is my first Red setter, Sormy. He turned 6 yrs Oct 3rd.

And last May I made a trip to Minnesota to get what may well be my last dog. Another Red Setter named Sis. She's just turned 6mos.

Now if I can make it to 84 Sis will be 12 and my grandson will graduate high school. Then I hope to live one day longer than Sis so I can bury her and not have to worry about a home for her when I check out! My last day on earth would be hell without a dog but better me than her!
Well they're not hunting dogs but they do like to chase rabbits out of our yard.
Got the big boy on the right when he was 8 weeks old and his sister on the left when she was 5 months old because my son had to move out of his apartment.
They're both from the same litter but I think they had different fathers.

She's been on elk hunts and now antelope. She did fetch a grouse too.

Last time I took my dogs out of the truck to run around after a successful pronghorn hunt, they came to check out the buck and I ended up with a flea problem. That was a bummer!
A much more exhausted look at my girl after a hard day at work. She did phenomenal, couldn't be more proud. A parking lot full of hunters complaining about the "lack of birds" and she put up 9 in less then an hour and a half. Just making all the other dogs look bad....

Only Pics I have of hunter my Choc Lab are in an old phone Ill have to try and get them on here
He was a rescue at 1yr old never came out of his crate unless called then would go right back in for about 2 weeks so easy going and such a great dog, Started working with him almost as soon as I got him on basic training then to retriever training he took to it like no other dog I ever had, wasnt prefect wasnt a field trial dog but he was the best, ducks and geese he was good but pheasants hes was amazing
living in Pa we did a lot of preserve hunting where they charge you to put out birds to many on the game lands will shoot birds on the ground so didnt like taking him their
One thing he did was to bring the bird to the guy that shot it about 50 to 60% of the time never could figure this out how or why he did it
And when we missed and Id bring him back close to keep hunting we would swear hed give us a dirty look like I did my job what the Hell is wrong with you today
He was 12 or so and the arthritis was getting to be much, so I had a vet come to my house and he passed with his head on my lap eating pretzels its been 5 yrs and still brings a lump in my throat and tear to my eye typing this he was my buddy
Caribou Gear

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