Dogs are Hunting Partners - Let's see 'em

105725 Kate on the left and Patch. Kate was 14 and this was one her last hunts. Patch is deaf and hunted great with Kate but without her she seams lost. I have another pointer LU that is now 15 months and doing great. So I hope Patch can now have her to help her. Patch was a rescue pup that was born deaf.
My 12 year old lab Sadie, got her when I was 10 and she’s been my best bud ever since. Roadtrips, farming, and swimming are her favorite things. She’s good at finding pheasants and sheds too, she’s almost deaf now and pretty slow but we still have fun. She lives with my mom while I’m gone with the army but when i come home we get some good adventures in.
Wow this thread is bring back some memories. I posted a picture of my old dog Ziba on this thread back in April 2017, a few months after she turned 11. She started the 2017-2018 season in decent shape, but at end of the season she turned 12 and her further decline was very obvious. The saddest thing was she was no longer able to climb up the very steep bank on the opposite side of the river. But she still made a few "miracle" retrieves that season I'll never forget.

I got a new pup and didn't really expect to hunt Ziba in the 2018-2019 season. But with carprofen and tramadol Ziba bounced back to some extent and I ended up taking her most trips. She had fun and proved her worth finding several ducks in the thick brush, I mostly used her on dry land retrieves and kept her out of the river as much as possible. The new pup Maggie is coming along fine but obviously needs some more experience and work. So now Ziba is 13, I'll take her out hunting next year if possible, I sure hope it's possible.

Here's a couple of pics; the young and the old.
What an awesome thread. I missed this one early on. Some amazing pics/stories out there. This is Kermit the Dog. He has been an amazing family member. The 2nd pic of him and my son was taken just yesterday and it’s already one of my favorites. I wonder what scam those two boys were
Can't remember if I have shared my two knuckleheads. Sadly the Golden is in full-time retirement as she is now 12 years old with some arthritis issues. I got her at 6-weeks old when just starting grad school. She got to spend the first 6 months of her life following me in the field conducting quail research and I firmly believe that training ingrained not only a special bond but also an innate ability to hunt nearly anything. I have shot untold numbers of quail, dove, ducks and pheasant with her as well as being my "catch" dog on several small pigs. She has certainly earned her retirement, as much as she hates it.


The setter I picked up a couple years ago when I started noticing the Golden's hunting days were numbered. She doesn't have nearly the brains of the golden but she sure is goofy, sweet and is equally happy being a couch potato or searching for birds in the field.
This was at 1 year old and one day and the dogs first hunt. Pretty cool pic I thought


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