DOGS - A Book Chapter Narration from p. 56 of "Dove Hunting" by Charley Dickey, 1976

Dove hunting in Mexico, a lady cooked our doves. Her technique was; removing the breast off the bone, marinating them in lime juice, then putting a rub of her herbs and seasonings on them, then cooking them over an open fire of mesquite wood.

I think the lime juice and marinating is the key for the wonderful taste. Try that and you will stop using bacon on them.
Lots of people down here use dogs to retrieve doves, before and after 1975. They taste great, wrapped in bacon, battered and fried with gravy, dove and rice casserole, olive oil and basalmic then quick cook in the grill. In my experience most dove hunters lose about 1/3 of birds shot, depending on how open it is around the shooting area. Hell, if you don’t have a dog or boy to fetch them quick, the turtles will eat half your birds if they fall in the ponds around here. My son is old enough to shoot birds on his own now, might be time for me to get a retriever.
Lots of people down here use dogs to retrieve doves, before and after 1975. They taste great, wrapped in bacon, battered and fried with gravy, dove and rice casserole, olive oil and basalmic then quick cook in the grill. In my experience most dove hunters lose about 1/3 of birds shot, depending on how open it is around the shooting area. Hell, if you don’t have a dog or boy to fetch them quick, the turtles will eat half your birds if they fall in the ponds around here. My son is old enough to shoot birds on his own now, might be time for me to get a retriever.
I like the notion of hunting with dogs for just old-fashioned charm. No, I don't want to spend time and energy combing through a sunflower or corn field for one or more dropped birds. There might be snakes hiding out there. The only "boy" I might have is a male Lab or golden. A retriever, K9 type, can also swim. Doves popped on the wing can and do fall into watering holes.

Poison ivy....another good reason for a K9 in the dove field!

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Dove hunting is a great time! Great eating bird as well, anyone who says otherwise needs a cooking lesson or two.
That dog won't win any beauty prizes. But better an ugly mutt, still, to conserve wildlife than to otherwise let doves rot away unrecovered. The shotgun is a beater too but seems to efficiently get doves converted to poppers and maybe ducks laterally moved to L'Orange, to quote Donald Sutherland in Disclosure, 1994.


"Tom, I've always liked you!" Donald Sutherland in elevator with Michael Douglas.
Gross! Gag me with a lizard and kill me with a battleax!
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