PEAX Equipment

Does the price of fuel impact your hunting plans?

I think that's fair, but you are a pretty rational guy. For most folks, I think gasoline costs are accepted as a matter of course and paying for them is an afterthought. I remember a discussion that revolved around this in a Planning class I took. The premise was, as gasoline prices rise, people will be more reluctant to build and live in places that require a more expensive commute. At the time, that hypothesis just didn't pan out and we discussed why.

I think there's a lot involved and a fair amount of moving parts. This study is now 12 years old, but I think it's the study we referenced in class:

"Recent research suggests that consumers are not very responsive to changes in the price of gasoline, at least in the short run. (Increased expenditures on gasoline have, however, reduced consumers’ saving, real income growth, and probably other forms of consumption.)3 For a variety of reasons, consumers are currently only about one-fifth as responsive to short-run changes in gasoline prices as they were several decades ago. That decline in sensitivity has been attributed to growth in real income, which has rendered gasoline a smaller share of consumers’ purchases from disposable income"

I think that last sentence is what I was getting at, though I admit everyone may have unique situations in terms of the amount of miles they are putting on, or actual financial constraints. Another way I'd put it, if the decision were: you can forgo your hunting trip, or you can forgo putting any money in retirement for two months, or your gonna have to deal with a nasty CC bill in January, I'll see you in the woods.
I haven't seen a study on it, but I remember the last time fuel prices got high it for sure made a difference in the price of larger vehicles.
That decline in sensitivity has been attributed to growth in real income, which has rendered gasoline a smaller share of consumers’ purchases from disposable income"
Growth in real income? Seriously? I see the study was done 15yrs ago so I give them a bit of a break, but we have seen real wages flatline for decades now. I think another reason is increases in fuel efficiency across all classes of autos resulting in fuel being a lower proportion of expenses. All the numbers are messy so probably multiple reasons across varying time frames.

Gas prices won't affect my hunting plans. Eating cold cuts for a couple of meals should account for any increase in fuel prices. Also, this is essentially a survey and people's actions may not reflect their answers. Even they might be surprised.
Hunting no. But I would probably take a few less of those local scouting trips. Probably wouldn’t go quite as far from the boat landing fishing fort peck as well. 20-30+ mile round trips on the boat add up in a hurry. Not going to make me hunt or fish any less though.
Fuel prices are currently low and have been for some time. It will affect people when we get above $4.50 a gallon its coming.
No, not for me, and I hunt mostly alone, but I can see how it's a issue for some/most.
Nope. I have to budget more for gas but that is it. It does not affect my decision making regarding hunting or fishing. Not even camping for that matter.
It did when I was a grad student on a shoestring budget in the late 00’s. I pulled my Subaru off insurance and became a bicycle commuter, so no hunting for a while.

Today I’ll pull from my equipment budget before paring down my hunt travel. My within-state travel is included in my joint budget with my wife whereas my NR trips are on my own dime. If gas gets above $3.50 I’ll start throwing out feelers for carpool partners to WY, etc.
No. I usually try to squirrel away enough to have a decent amount for my hunting, but its all encompassing. Any new gear, tags/draws, and fuel. The biggest factor that affects my hunting is balancing the family life w the kids. I also went out last summer and bought a cheap commuter that's 27-30mpg vs my 17mpg diesel, so that offset weekly saves me $$. (even with insurance and purchase price of car, the savings in fuel costs should pay for the car in about 16-18 months)
A normal trip for me pulling the trailer is going to be pushing 1,250 miles each way. At 8 mpg that is going to run me almost $800 in fuel round trip. (At $2.50 per gallon). Leave the trailer at home and that cost is going to drop down to just under $350 round trip at 18 mpg.

Bump the fuel cost up to $4 per gallon and that trip with the trailer gets almost to $1,250 with the trailer or $550 without. Start to think about how much comfort that trailer provides when it is going to cost you almost $700 extra to take it. Without pulling the trailer it is just an extra $200. It makes a big difference when you drop your fuel mileage down in the single digits.
Out west (live in NV) no, but I do hope to drive to NY to deer hunt and see the kids and grandkids. If fuel were to become outrageous say $7.00+ a gallon, yeah I would probably not drive and just fly and let friends and family keep any venison I harvest. I prefer to bring it back out west :p
I put on abt as many miles. I might consider combining scouting trips but hunting trips stay the same.
Have 2 longer hunting excursions planned this year
A normal trip for me pulling the trailer is going to be pushing 1,250 miles each way. At 8 mpg that is going to run me almost $800 in fuel round trip. (At $2.50 per gallon). Leave the trailer at home and that cost is going to drop down to just under $350 round trip at 18 mpg.

Bump the fuel cost up to $4 per gallon and that trip with the trailer gets almost to $1,250 with the trailer or $550 without. Start to think about how much comfort that trailer provides when it is going to cost you almost $700 extra to take it. Without pulling the trailer it is just an extra $200. It makes a big difference when you drop your fuel mileage down in the single digits.
This is the math that invariably enters the conversation when I tell bossharley how much fun a more expensive rolling Drury Inn would be behind the 2500HD DEF reservoir.
I paid .27 when I was young,but no,it will not change my plans. Having a Rio around has
Gas is cheaper than it was when I was working 12 yrs ago too. Everything is a looong ways here,I figured it in when I planned my retirement,sort of ,kind of....LOL
Fuel prices are currently low and have been for some time. It will affect people when we get above $4.50 a gallon its coming.
I'm not so sure... I mean in the next 10-20 sure, but in the next 4?

Lot of pieces have to fall into place for that, well or just a massive federal tax... which I guess is not out of the realm of possibility.
Nope. Its part of hunting. My rig gets 11mpg city and 12 MAYBE 13 highway on a 20 gal tank. Don't make no difference in whether or not I'm going. Sucks but it is what it is.
I'm right around 8,000 hunting related miles since mid August. Never really thought about it to much. I bought the tag I gotta go. Suppose if I was thinking about it when I bought the tag I would mull it over, but when picking up the tag im just to jacked up to think about future fuel cost.
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