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Doctor wait times in your area ?


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2023
Southeast Flo-Ree-Duh , Bug Country
Trying to get in to see a GI Dr and the soonest available appointment is middle of March ?
Not sure if it’s my insurance, ( Healthcare United ) or just the state of the medical community in general?
What are you seeing ?
About the same. My wife has had appointments with like 5 different specialists over the last year. Quickest one was about 9 weeks out some were 6 months. We have bcbs.
An assistant from my primary care Dr called this morning to schedule my annual wellness exam. They asked if I could get in on Tuesday the 21st (5 days).
I had a meniscus tear about a year and a half ago. Took Maybe 2 weeks to see the ortho. Got in for the MRI about 4 days later.
Fairly quick turnaround here. I do have a very flexible schedule though, so I can make about anything work on my end.
Hope your able to get in somewhere sooner tham later and it's not serious. The real kicker is when you finally get in and they can't help and send you to the next specialist. Gets frustrating quick.
Yup ! It’s a game of Well we eliminated that , what’s next .
I’m pretty sure it’s Colitis , I had it years ago from being prescribed Viox , hospitalized for weeks .
Up side ? I’ve lost 30 lbs without trying , so that’s cool 😎
Trying to get in to see a GI Dr and the soonest available appointment is middle of March ?
Not sure if it’s my insurance, ( Healthcare United ) or just the state of the medical community in general?
What are you seeing ?
Depends on the specialist.

I was 3 months out for an Endocrinology appointment
Specialists (cardiology, endocrinology, GI, and Neuro) aren’t as common as your PCP or family doc. Especially in smaller communities. Many times there is a small group servicing a large population and it gets very booked out.
I had my annual physical in October. Talking to my doctor he told me that there are a lot of oncologists in the area, but all other specialties are severely lacking and good luck if you need one of them.
i think this is just basic supply and demand.

especially for certain specialists.

lotsa patients and not lotsa doctors.
This 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻

My wife is an eye surgeon. She can’t see patients or hire qualified people fast enough. Population ages faster than candidates can be trained. If you call her for an appointment, it’s a six-month wait.
I think G.I. doctors are particularly susceptible to demand exceeding supply. Damn near everyone gets a colonoscopy when they turn 45, and every five years afterward. Increasingly, issues are discovered. With an aging population, it could exacerbate the demand side of the equation.

I’m married to a G.I. nurse (when people ask her what that means she says butts and guts 😂 ) and don’t think your wait is out of the ordinary, though it sucks.
This 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻

My wife is an eye surgeon. She can’t see patients or hire qualified people fast enough. Population ages faster than candidates can be trained. If you call her for an appointment, it’s a six-month wait.

you know, hearing all this makes me glad to live in the Denver-Boulder bubble.

there are definitely some long waits around here, especially as a new patient and especially with some specialties.

but i'm headed to the eye surgeon in less than an hour and only had to look out maybe a month to book this; frankly, i think that was only because i needed to push it out that far. can see my eye doctor on a whim and my pcp next week if i want and then can still get a dermatologist appt booked less than a month out too.
you know, hearing all this makes me glad to live in the Denver-Boulder bubble.

there are definitely some long waits around here, especially as a new patient and especially with some specialties.

but i'm headed to the eye surgeon in less than an hour and only had to look out maybe a month to book this; frankly, i think that was only because i needed to push it out that far. can see my eye doctor on a whim and my pcp next week if i want and then can still get a dermatologist appt booked less than a month out too.
Yep. Denver is a saturated physician market. It’s a very popular landing spot for candidates who desire someplace off the coasts. Also, I’m guessing Denver doesn’t have near the geriatric population of our metro areas in the southern portion of the country.
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Basically a year out to see one of the few specialists we have in the Grande Rhonde Valley. Most folks here go to Boise, 2.5 hour drive on a good day. During the winter it’s a crap shoot you can even get there as Interstate 84 between the Idaho border and Pendleton is the most frequently closed freeway in the nation.
Our son in law just finished 6 weeks of radiation treatment for colon cancer. They were home for two days then had to spend 5 days in Boise. Living rural has some downside.
Been waiting 3 years for a pcp, not likely to happen in NM. On list.
Tried to meet a dermatologist and the one recommended to me by oncology nurse is not taking any new patients. 5 offices.
The one she mentioned in Silver City is out of business. 2 offices.
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