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Do we have enough hunting influencers yet?

You say Randy and Steve Rinella are good for the sport? From who's perspective....Randy blew up the grand mesa ruining it and contributed to overcrowding, so from that perspective he is bad for hunting. Steve R has blown up sika deer hunting on the east coast and down right ruined it, so from that perspective he is bad for hunting. From a state revenue perspective they are both good for hunting, from the outdoor industry they are both great for hunting, for the land leasing business they are great for hunting (which in turn is bad for public land hunters), for the sale/value of hunting land they are great for hunting. For the public land hunter, especially if you have been in the game for over 10 years, they are horrible for hunting. Both Randy and Steve have spawned MORE social media hunters out of their own companies, as if we needed more. All depends on how you look at it....
"If I am gonna take advice from someone in this area its definitely gonna be someone who did it before it was cool. Someone like Randy or Rinella."

If your responding to my comment, is this what your referring to?
You say Randy and Steve Rinella are good for the sport? From who's perspective....Randy blew up the grand mesa ruining it and contributed to overcrowding, so from that perspective he is bad for hunting. Steve R has blown up sika deer hunting on the east coast and down right ruined it, so from that perspective he is bad for hunting. From a state revenue perspective they are both good for hunting, from the outdoor industry they are both great for hunting, for the land leasing business they are great for hunting (which in turn is bad for public land hunters), for the sale/value of hunting land they are great for hunting. For the public land hunter, especially if you have been in the game for over 10 years, they are horrible for hunting. Both Randy and Steve have spawned MORE social media hunters out of their own companies, as if we needed more. All depends on how you look at it....
sorta like the posts and comments on keeping western hunting a fordable and then doing the apply apply apply apply videos and demand for tags goes thru the roof!!! And license fees increase and residents see/sense the hysteria and momentum of the youtube pushing NR hunting and the hype and non tags get cut to NR. Im not sure thats good for hunting. Lots of other content is thou. its just more of the scales complex.

back in the good old days when you had a good thing going you kept your mouth shut. Well today we put it on you tube and a podcast and try and promote it. I guess thats not commercializing hunting thou.

Yup, but there is an outfitter or a guide out their that doesn't market and he knows every track/plant hes a purist and leaves almost no foot print but in todays world he is a bad dude. Influencers are far worse for the heritage of hunting
They have done alot to improve the "hunting industry" but they have completely ruined actual hunting more than anyone ever has.
Not in parts of Oregon. Predators did that to such an extent a lot of guys I used to bump into out in the woods, don’t even hunt there anymore. If an influencer hunted where I do, they’d lose followers
"If I am gonna take advice from someone in this area its definitely gonna be someone who did it before it was cool. Someone like Randy or Rinella."

If your responding to my comment, is this what your referring to?
I had no response to anyone's comment in my post. Just my own thoughts.
I was watching the Sunday Morning show on CBS last week. I know , but I hear the music and remember sitting with my mom to watch. It was her favorite besides MASH.

Anyways it was a segment on Rinella last weekend. Hunting and explaining the life and the food. No shooting or blood shots ,but the process and reasons explained. Eating over the campfire and cooking an elk backstrap in his kitchen, showing the freezer of food.

I was blown away it was on CBS let alone it was done well.

Now maybe a bunch of late onsets get interested and take it up. Maybe some do not like the exposure with tags getting hard to get.

But I'm just an old guy who has no kids of my own to pass anything on. But I know I changed many minds who voted and never took it up, with a meal.
Several friends let me hunt their land if they could share the food. I regularly traded fish and meat for cheese and food they produced.
We had many meals enjoyed by foodies who never had a venison backstrap before and raved, but never took up the life.
But they got it and understood my reasons for my lifestyle.
Agreed there man. I think the two big things with someone like Steve rinella is they are increasing the popularity of hunting, leading to increased pressure, but furthering hunting in the eyes of the public. So if influencers are here to stay, which I think they are, let’s have good influencers like Steve. Cause I’d argue his pros outweigh his cons right now
You say Randy and Steve Rinella are good for the sport? From who's perspective....Randy blew up the grand mesa ruining it and contributed to overcrowding, so from that perspective he is bad for hunting. Steve R has blown up sika deer hunting on the east coast and down right ruined it, so from that perspective he is bad for hunting. From a state revenue perspective they are both good for hunting, from the outdoor industry they are both great for hunting, for the land leasing business they are great for hunting (which in turn is bad for public land hunters), for the sale/value of hunting land they are great for hunting. For the public land hunter, especially if you have been in the game for over 10 years, they are horrible for hunting. Both Randy and Steve have spawned MORE social media hunters out of their own companies, as if we needed more. All depends on how you look at it....
I guess that’s my point, is the increased pressure worth it it to have more Ally’s against anti hunters. As someone who is 23 years old, I can’t speak to the increased pressure. But I can be worried on where hunting may be in 40 years, or 100 years for my kids or grand kids one day. So that’s my 2 cents. So like you say, it depends on how you look at it.
Do you think we would actually be able to get rid of them?
If you don’t watch the videos and don’t follow them on social media and at least minimize purchases from their gear sponsors, it is possible to decrease their footprint if millions of us choose to do the same.
And do you think meateater is siphoning dead wildlife into money for them?
Cancel ME tv show and watch their revenue tank overnight.
I do think that analogy is very accurate for 99 percent of influencers. But I digress, if I had a magic wand, I’d get rid of all of them. But I don’t think we will ever get rid of all of them, so I think supporting good ones are the best solution we have.
The “good ones” over-promote public resources tastefully while the 99% over-promote it less tastefully. In the end, does it matter?
There are way too many influencers. I think I'm at the point where I will not buy another piece of hunting clothing again if it going to lead to more influencers. No more first lite for me. Tired of seeing guys who want to MeatEater crew clones.

I've packed plenty of elk in my old Osprey backpack without a 'load shelf' and Outdoor Research clothing and all the other outdoor clothes are pretty good for my needs.
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Saved that lion from eating himself to death. Guy must have been taking Mtn Ops to get it done going full send.
I think Simba would have choked to death first ... on the tent that guy is wearing. Definitely would have been a high cholesterol meal.
"If I am gonna take advice from someone in this area its definitely gonna be someone who did it before it was cool. Someone like Randy or Rinella."

If your responding to my comment, is this what your referring to?
For what it’s worth, I agreed with everything in your post besides that part. Still, worthy of my “like” don’t get too caught up in the folks picking at a mere sentence out of whole paragraphs. If you went without the Randy and Rinella and left it at, “before it was cool” you’d of gotten great responses.
If the wildlife and habitat would have improved with bringing more people to the table like it was supposed to according to their “business” model, I could get on board with that even if my opportunity was cut. Instead we have less opportunity and shittier hunting. They are hanging on to the “just think about how bad it could be” at this point. It was a gross miscalculation. It will lead to the privatization of decent hunting as game agencies try to keep up with demand with resource that is declining. The end of the North American model you all speak so highly of. It was going to end, just shouldn’t have ended through people that claimed they loved it.
sorta like the posts and comments on keeping western hunting a fordable and then doing the apply apply apply apply videos and demand for tags goes thru the roof!!! And license fees increase and residents see/sense the hysteria and momentum of the youtube pushing NR hunting and the hype and non tags get cut to NR. Im not sure thats good for hunting. Lots of other content is thou. its just more of the scales complex.

back in the good old days when you had a good thing going you kept your mouth shut. Well today we put it on you tube and a podcast and try and promote it. I guess thats not commercializing hunting thou.

Yup, but there is an outfitter or a guide out their that doesn't market and he knows every track/plant hes a purist and leaves almost no foot print but in todays world he is a bad dude. Influencers are far worse for the heritage of hunting
I like how the influencers all run podcast on why and how to apply in every western state. This podcast convincing everyone to apply apply apply is promptly followed up with a podcast telling the states how to fix the draw systems that the influencer broke. No western states draw system was ever built to have hunters from all 50 states applying every year. But they have to keep everyone in the point Ponzi scheme because they built a business on it. Influencers break the draw systems through over promotion and then bitch at the state because the draws are broke. Classic
I believe the hit job Randy did in southeastern Montana he believed if he took out the last strong hold in Montana, management would have to change. That didn’t happen and the locals are left to try to pick up the pieces which there is nothing left. With a game agency that doesn’t care or believe what you are saying. He maybe had good intentions but it certainly isn’t going the way he thought it could. I would love to see how anyone could argue influencers have been good for hunting.

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