Do we have enough hunting influencers yet?

Not sure if there are enough hunting influencers because I'd like to see more hunting-related fitness programs.

Remember "jazzercise"? Someone could create "Antlercise", which is also Antlersize.
The whole marketing industry is getting turned on its head in the last couple of years. The amount of money being dumped into TikTok is absurd. Sure these people have followers and get views on content but I'd be curious to see how many actually relay into sales. Plus with the rise of user-generated content, you don't need to be a big influencer anymore.
The main issue I have with influencers is them seeing the public lands that are for outdoor recreation for the public as a resource to be tapped into for revenue. Where is the point this starts costing them? You don’t get to make money off of mining for example with out the mineral rights costing you something. Why should you get to profit off a public elk hotspot without it costing you? Now private land that’s another thing. I’m speaking specifically about public. Either demonetizing it or making it a pay to produce content system would reduce the number of people who are doing it for the wrong reasons.
Media is overloaded with the concept of amateurs as 'entertainers' working for free. People will do anything for a shot at their 15 minutes...contrived phony staging presented as reality.
I don't see a ton of problems as long as they're being respectful towards the wildlife and land. Hunting doesn't always get a good rap, but positive videos and influencers help (hopefully) push hunting into a better light in the media.
I limit my views and what I watch.
None are any hunters with a few exceptions.

I did fall into an afternoon of gals living alone with their groomed doggies and half neked woodworkers.
Or worse yet is the females who have seemingly taken up hunting and fishing only to self promote themselves because they’ve learned if they hold a bass or a redfish in a string bikini 10,000 fat old men in their basement will smash the like button.
Like Button...I never heard of it referred to as that, is that what they are calling it not nowadays?
I definitely live in a box. I know of only two. Newburg and Rinella. I don't follow them, since I don't use faceplant, tiktok, etc. But I enjoy the occasional vid from them. Both do it in a very tastful manner, each time focusing on the experience, not the kill. Kudos to both.
Or come do a ride along with me and we'll go to the beach and watch live and in person...
I've avoided them.
I gave to many hold your breath lessons to kooks who burned me and thought they were tough guys.

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