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Do overs 2021 while hunting..

If I could do it over I’d probably take my LE Montana elk permit more serious. Been having to much fun killing coyotes that I haven’t gave it much of a serious effort but am going back up on Thursday for a few days so maybe things will change
Looks like you can do it over. Go kill a bull. mtmuley
For me it hasn't been so much wishing I had do-overs, just wondering what in the world I have done that has caused me so much bad luck this year. I am 0-fer so far this year and it's gone something like this. Focused on getting my son his first elk (cow) and bit off way more than he could chew. Ended up breaking trail through almost a foot of snow while gaining elevation. He wasn't ready for it and fell close to 20 times. He was soaked by the time we got to the glassing area and shivering. I made the call to get him out of there. No elk.

Then on my first ever mule deer hunt, 2 days in, I was following a small herd, just trying to see if there was any sign of a buck with them and twisted my knee. I was about 1.5 miles away from the truck, so not too far, but it swelled up and got too sore for a solo hunt. I knew that even if I got something, I wouldn't get it out of there.

And now, I was supposed to be out hunting this weekend for elk (cow) and I am instead, bedridden with one of the worst colds of my life. I am hacking up a lung and can barely do anything without going into a full-on coughing fit. I can't imagine hiking through cold mountain air right now.

I'm going to remain optimistic that I will be able to get out this next week. I still have several weeks to fill my cow elk tag, and we will definitely be aiming at some ducks this year too.
This was supposed to be 2021. But since we’re going way back I’ve got so many that nobody can compete. Picture this - you spot a bunch of cow elk at night and instead of hunting that spot you’re intimately familiar with, you pick somewhere else. 2 weeks later you find out the truck parked there the following day is that of the guy who arrowed the world record bull elk that very day.
That is brutal. Makes living in WA seem less do-over ish
Years ago I was hunting with my brother when he shot a decent buck. While he was gutting it I was standing around glassing some deer a mile or so away. I was watching a buck that was looking sideways from me for a while when another buck walked by. The bedded buck turned and looked toward me and was at least 36 inches wide and I could see good forks from the side view.
We had a mile to go uphill in a foot of snow to the truck and it was well below zero. We decided to get his buck out and go after the big one the next morning. Of course the next morning he was nowhere to be seen. He was killed by another hunter later and was 38 inches wide. I never heard the score.
Getting covid on opening day of gun season. Not real sure how I'd do that over, but timing couldn't be much worse.

Got me this year too. I ate a limited quota mule deer tag with 15% odds.
30 years ago I was hunting elk with a buddy when a great 330 bull jumped out of his bed in front of us. My smoke pole misfired and he gunned it down with his .06. Every time I visit his house is a great reminder. What would I do differently...don't know....but I pay attention to keeping things dry like there is no tomorrow.
UPDATED after evening hunt.. see below first 2 pics.

I wish was paying more attention and did not fail to see where this guy bedded this morning…37949781-FF46-4331-B06A-154FC2D2D112.jpegEFC2F9CF-3D47-44DE-9987-B76E6E973B61.jpeg

So in the afternoon I went back in dame spot I managed to relocate the buck! Yay a Do Over was granted same day.

He and his 2 does were just about where I had lost track of them an hiur before dark.

about 900 yards or so. tough spot but go for btoke in open terrain just a few shallow cuts and yucca and other thorny chit between us. and a berm 500 yards out.

here is a photo I took just before the evening stalk. Nice buck. same one from morning. Still had 2 does which were already up feeding.


I manage to cross open ground and get behind berm. When I peek over they had moved a lot and were 142 yards out with no way I could see to close in. although wind was perfect. Almost as fast as I say to myself “I’m gonna need some luck”. I hear some rustling around couldn’t be more than 30-40 yards from me and sounds like they’re in the dry pond bed. but I can still see one doe out at 140 yds. And it starts my way. I can’t see a lot as I’m trying to not expose myself and I have a bunch of thorny weedy crap on the top of the berm with me.

I nock an arrow thinking maybe buck came to me and as I’m thinking “should I risk it and just draw and pop up and hope the buck is in range”, i hear stutter steps from downwind in the dry pond. so I quickly look up over the edge and there he is moving from 40 making some jumps to 55 and stands broadside looking at me. I use my rangefinder, draw and shoot quickly at this alerted buck. Sailed over him and seemed he was about gone from the spot as arrow arrived. he yeooted off to the 140 spot anf I grunt. He comes back to 80ish and then turns tail to about where he was in above bedded photo. I wait till dark and dlink back to truck.

So now I need a 2nd Do Over for the same big buck I goofed on twice same day. I’m gonna see if third time is charm tomorrow morning.
I can hear a dinkshooters’ voice in the back of my head saying “Wynn! you know how this turns out”

I don’t know what greenhorns rules are for this do over thread am I allowed to ask for a second do over for the same thing? lol
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I whiffed on my first whitetail last Sunday. Got invited to hunt some land in eastern South Dakota, and 30 minutes into the first sit I saw a good buck coming. I drew, let out my breath, floated my pins up, let the arrow fly...and shaved a little hair off the top of his back, I forgot to hold a little low since I was up in a tree stand shooting at a downward angle. He took two steps forward so he was conveniently behind some branches, and then proceeded to stare at me and back at the the arrow sticking out of the dirt just beyond him before walking off.

Then, a few minutes later, I let a second buck pass while I was replaying the shot in my head ad nauseam and trying to decide if I'd actually hit the first one, the miss was soon confirmed for good when I saw the first buck walking away at a distance and could see clean fletchings on the arrow in the field through my binos. I knew I missed, shoulda shot that dang second deer.

So I guess that counts for TWO do-overs in the span of less than half an hour...
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I had two doozies my first day out this year:

I managed to get myself real stuck chasing elk sign in a gnarly hoodoo rock & head high pine & dead-fall toothpick hellhole late in the day (also deep in griz country for good measure). Took a few hours of fighting through it, but finally got back to the truck after dark. Kind of a scary dumb-dumb move.

That very same day I wore a too-new pair of boots that quickly went from mild heel hot spots to giant wound blisters despite my generous heaping of moleskin. A more mild dumb-dumb move, but it knocked nearly a week of real hunting off of my season.

Guess I was a little overexcited to get at it.
Man that sucks for y’all. We’ve had some kind of revolving sickness in my house since Oct 1st, be it stomach bugs or now the flu. I hunted two days during bow season and got winded by some nice bucks. All my other trips have been cancelled due to my daughter or me being sick.

I’m off for the next two weeks but started my vacation two days early with the flu. Went and got a steroid shot yesterday. Hoping to get back out for 6-7 days after thanksgiving.
I had to update my post number 134 above because I’m just that awful of a hunter. I stack up multiple wish I had a do over per day 😂

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