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Do Nonresidents have a reasonable chance of drawing Bison, Moose, Sheep, or Goat tags


Don't let these guys discourage you from applying and trying. Couple important things to consider:
1) Would you rather toss your money into lottery tickets at the gas station or put them into the state's fish and game fund? One goes to funding the state's "lower priorities" while the other works at preserving our wild places and wild things.
2) The odds are drastically better than lottery tickets
3) If you are willing to get into it for the long haul (20-30 years) and you strategically purchase your "lottery tickets" spread across many states and many different opportunities, you annual odds of drawing a tag on any given year are actually much better than you think.
4) Do you want to shoot a 50" Shiras or are you happy drawing a non-trophy area in a less popular unit. Some instances the hunt may be more difficult as well but you still have a tag and you are out hunting. Your odds will almost double in most of these cases.
5) Do horns matter? Getting female tags is about 5-10 times easier.

But, if you spent enough money on draws, in all the states, plus any raffle options they may have, maybe yes.
The easy answer is no.
On the other hand, I know of a non-resident that had only six points that drew a desert bighorn sheep tag for a unit that for atleast a decade has went to max point holders.

You have to be in the game to win, but the odds are definitely against you.

I’ve won a dall hunt.
One of my good friends just got back from a stone hunt that he won.
Another friend goes on a dall hunt next year that he won.

I know people that have won a rocky hunt, a statewide desert sheep raffle, highly coveted elk tags, etc etc.
the cost adds up and you’re probably better off saving/investing but you certainly have a chance.
No, save your money and book a trip north in the end it will be cheaper. The only exception is bison, NR (especially cow) odds are not bad at all in Wy cause tag fee is so much and odds of success are beyond hunters control.
Yes, it happens every year where someone pulls a tag with less than max points. Why can't that someone be you??

I'd rather go down swing than go down looking!
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Somehow the best sheep tag in Idaho is consistently drawn by a non resident. I think it’s been close to a decade (or the last tag reduction) since a resident drew it
The odds are terrible...not sure what you think is reasonable. There are clearly ways to improve your odds.

A non-resident of Colorado could possibly used to be able to hunt the females of all the species excluding bison in a 5 year time span. Just something to think about. The goat would take a little luck, but moose and sheep would be easy.
That's probably? gone every 'F' code was 3+ last year for goat and moose as well as most of the sheep. The free point thing really did in female hunting.

If you look at the number of point holders that are 'maturing' each year it doesn't bode well for any of the big three.

To the OP, no, it was way different back in the day and people drew, but even as a resident unless you have a pile of points today, you will likely never catch up or draw.

My WAG, 90% 10 yes, if you apply MT/CO/WY/NM/UT etc for the next 30s years of drawing.

Further for every 1 dude on this forum who says they drew there are 1000s who didn't.

Example CO sheep;
2021 35921 applications for 318 tags.

If there were no new applicants, and every applicant stuck with it, it would take over 100 years for everyone to get a tag.
It might change, but I looked before I posted. There were multiple opportunities this year for cow moose and ewe bighorn for less than 5 points. Not so much with mountain goat, but a person could get lucky.
Hell the cow tags were on the reissue list... :)
It might change, but I looked before I posted. There were multiple opportunities this year for cow moose and ewe bighorn for less than 5 points. Not so much with mountain goat, but a person could get lucky.

By the time he acquires 5 points, it will take 10, or maybe 15 to draw.

By the time he acquires 5 points, it will take 10, or maybe 15 to draw.
Yeah that was kinda my point as well it is creeping...

I've been trying to get any goat tag, cow moose and sheep in specific units (that I think I have a decent chance at being success in) for the last 5-ish years and haven't had any luck. I could have draw a couple of tags though if I had been willing to apply in different units/ pay the non-res price.

Ok. Don't apply then.
You can't draw if you don't apply, fair point and to @matechakeric raffles like those held by are another option to increase your odds.

But you definitely have to look at it as your yearly contribution to conservation and not a means to an end or you will drive yourself insane.
The way the sheep population trends are headed in AK, I would consider going sooner rather than later. Moose is OTC for NR no guide needed. No guide needed for bison, but the draw chance is very low. Goat and sheep OTC but require a guide. 20 years from now it could all be a draw for NR. The few sheep draw areas up here are 2-5% tops for NR.

I'd guess the hunt costs for sheep will cost upwards of $50k by that time as well. They've gone from $10k to $20, in the last 10 years and fewer outfitters to chose from.

As far as drawing in the L48, Apply early and often, apply for raffles, and every other way. You can pick up "governors" tags for the non-sheep tags in some states for the price of a guided hunt up north in some instances. +/- It won't be cheap, but neither is a guaranteed hunt/tag.

Supply is short and demand is higher every year. I don't see it changing anytime soon.
Time to run numbers with applicants, existing points and actuarial tables.;):D
Yeah, I started just going as I know I'm not going to be one of the guys to beat the odds, neither my dad or grandfather saw 60, I'm going now and frequently.
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