Do it yourself mounts

HA HA--- I have my black bear mounted above our bed. I tell her he is my mentor!!
HE HE. I think I got her buffalo'd so far.
Well...our Bedroom is off limits for any "ANIMAL MOUNTING"

But I do have the livingroom coming along fine and the office.

I've only put the mount to 2 elk and the 2nd one isn't back yet. I can't wait to try and find a spot for it.I guess I didn't plan well enought for 2 elk, 2 moose a Full body bear, my NZ Crittersducks, a deer some bear rugs ..... and ... Well.. Jsut ain't enough room... I need to get some Wall Realastate in the Kitchen now, there is still alot of Uncharted teritory.
I used to do Fish taxidermy as a sideline for $$$ but after my cancer ordeal i gave it up due to the toxic fumes from the automotive finishes i used on them (check out the gloss!) Anyway, heres a few fish on my office wall being shown with my boy as a model!!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Well...our Bedroom is off limits for any "ANIMAL MOUNTING" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I didn't think it mattered where they had been mounted, as long as one was happy doing it...

Great fish schmalts!!!
Nice fishes schmalts. I would love to catch a northern like the one you have on the wall. I also like your computer screen (a little advertisement)

I would like to mount my own animal, but I guess there are laws against it here in MT.

Black Timber-nice mounts. I want to see the bow used to shoot those long arrows.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elkhunter:
Nice fish mounts schmalts
I see afew nice looking trout species up there, but what are the other goofy looking fish?
Well, dont know if you were joking so.. The Big'in is a real dark water canadian northern. I also have a clear water one mounted that barely shows up on the upper right(just his head) and the 2 together are largemouth, one smallmouth in brown color phase (come in green or brown and can change in the livewell in minutes!) One very large perch, one crappie.
Yes like one guy said about doing his lope mount, its not that expensive. If you are somewhat artistic you can do them. I do deer and birds but specialised in fish because my dad did the others. He couldnt do fish because he sucked at painting. Fish are by far the hardest to do because of the painting, and because hiding any imperfection is a nitmare. Deer heads are a huge moneymaker, they are the fastest and easiest to do, and the best money per hour of work. The thick hair on deer family heads help hide lumps and cuts in the hide, as opposed with fish when the skin dries it shrinks and thins out making imperfections even more noticable. I was very in demand for my trout because i put a high gloss finish on them, and that also brings out any imperfections. I actually wet sanded then between clearcoats to get the wet look. Most guys do their trout flat to hide any bumps.
If i get time i will post a few deer heads and stuff i did.
If any one of you are interested in doing your first deer or elk or lope, i would recommend getting a VHS tape by a company called rienhart taxidermy. They are really good and will walk you through it step by step. They also have forms that have pre-set eyes that are a huge time and quality saver. a pro can do good mounting his own eyes but ametures are better off with the preset eyes.
I learned from my dad but bought the tape anyway and learned a lot of new ideas from them. I do like the guy that did his lope and pay someone to tan and flesh the cape for me for 75$ You will be surpised how well your first mount will turn out if you have a lot of good reference photos to look at like close up of deers eyes and shit like that.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-26-2003 21:32: Message edited by: schmalts ]</font>
All of thoes long arrows were shot over a 7 year period, all with the same bow. Two were at 30 yards the others at twenty and they were all 1st and 2nd arrows.

The bow was a 94' PSE 3D Dominator. I retired that bow last year.

The only pics I have of it are ones with my animals. So here you go


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