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Do any American Boomers here remember the quality lawn mowers of old?

This was my mower. It would take more than an ad with a gal in shorts to make him pay for gas power. He had boy power.
If we bitched about the lack of wages, his answer was, "You have food doncha, you have a place to sleep doncha?"
My folk's retort was much more succinct.
This is what a lawn mower should be. I long for a good lawn mower like this 1960's Goodall. I like the classic T handle.

I enjoy keeping a clean cut yard, but don't care for any supplemental upkeep. Seems wasteful and unnecessary. More water & fertilizer just means more cutting. More cutting means more cost in fuel & wear/tear on the mower and more of my valuable time wasted. I like a clean mowed look, but I'll keep my money & time and leave the minutiae to someone who wants it. Not my thing. Love the ads though. Works of art.
Oh yeah. Those old 2-cycle Lawn Boy mowers made more pollution mowing the yard once than my truck did driving to work for a month. Yuck!
We had these mega pricey walk behind reel mowers for the greens where I worked a few summers in the high country. Beautiful pieces of machinery. You took the wheels off when you got to the green. Man what a beautiful course that was before the pine beetles killed "the rough" and the E. Troublesome fire killed the rest!
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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