Yeti GOBOX Collection

Do any American Boomers here remember the quality lawn mowers of old?

Ahhh….another person screaming get off my lawn…..

But somehow with all the advances that are horrible you found one you like….and use it to bitch about what you don’t like….

As an elder millennial (nay Xennial), I find the idea of a bright green lawn an absolute waste of water and time. I did 100% of the lawn mowing from about 8 to 12 until my brother got old enough then we split the duty...push mowing about 2 acres with a mower that used to be self-propelled but broken. In the summer, we cut trees Mon-Fri and mowed the lawn on Sunday. This spring I'm ripping up a chunk of my yard and planting native flower.

I agree about the part about the centerfolds though. Dad had stacks hidden...all from the 70s so they were invented before the mower.
Mowing season is upon us. Spring 2023!

I remember those old heavy Briggs & Stratton mowers. There were rotary ones and those ones with the barber-pole reels. Some had grass catchers on the side. They were heavy-duty and well-made. My 1907-born grandfather had one that had the side discharge all the way in the front corner of the deck. This mower also had a folding handle to wind up a spring then pull the lever to start the motor. I liked mowers from the days when they had T handles and motorcycle grips. I don't like seeing all this new power equipment with cheesy stick-on labels. Old-school power equipment had painted letters embossed into the sheet metal or durable riveted-on metal plates.

Yes, even mowing the lawn back in the golden age of the American Dream meant you had durable equipment you took pride in owning. My grandfather even hand waxed the deck of his pretty lawn mower. Automobiles, guns, furniture, refrigerators, washing machines, mowers, chainsaws, tillers and everything else was built with pride once.

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I love the way this woman is dressed:
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Now there's something that will put your eye out! I make sure to put tennis balls on the ends of my mower blades to prevent serious injury, do you do that @TomTeriffic or are you just a low-key 'safety' guy?
Yup, them was the good old days. I member back in 85, Every month Playboy would have an article, and that is the only reason I looked at Playboy, the fine articles. Well anyways, Playboy would have an article every month about some random young woman working in "Small Town America." Complete with lots of photos. Well anyways, it just so happened that one of them gals owned a little mom and pop store in a small town not far from here. It also just happened that we were working in a place that required us to drive right passed that mom and pop store twice a day. Well not right past but plenty close enough that we didn't mind the detour. That little gal was a smart little businesswoman too, she was well aware of why the business at here little store had recently skyrocketed and always dressed in a manner as to not disappoint her customer base. One thing you learned real quick in that store, was if she asked you if you wanted a bag, and she always asked if you wanted a bag, you said yes. "Yes I do want a bag." Even if you were just buying a Snickers bar or a pack of gum, you needed a bag for it. She would bend over and get the bag for you, giving you a real nice peak at what you had so enjoyed looking at in that Playboy article. Yup, the good old days for sure, but the lawn mowers sucked then just as much as they suck now. Why the hell would anyone be all nostalgic about a stinkin' lawn mower anyway?
I for one enjoy reading about the lawnmowers of yore, the dangers of electric fans, space force, and globalism. I've never "blocked" anyone on here and never will - words don't hurt and I don't have to read em.

There is an aspect of this place that is becoming more and less real simultaneously, and that is that we have now entered an age where those who join, may not be people. A bot with access to modern LLMs could absolutely start threads, be active and respond to other comments, tell stories....And we will not know. They will be as convincing as wllms charts, NHYs humor, and HuntTalkMan's passion.

There's always been the catfishing potential too, and to some degree I believe it has likely happened in the name of hunting intel or other, but really there is the internet before LLMs could convincingly be humans, and after, and everything that had not found its foundation in the period before is suspect. Not saying TT is that at all,but it's now something I think about.
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