DNA kits?

I sent one in (23 and me) at Thanksgiving when there was a sale; kids were here and we had consumed a bit of champagne.

Almost all British/Scotch/Irish, some Norwegian, little Spanish, no German which I would have expected given my surname.

And I know most of the LEOs in town, so if I do some big crime, they won't have to rely on DNA. They know where I live. Don't plan on any though.
I did AncestryDNA a few years ago. I had one very close match that I never really paid attention to. Fast forward to last week, dad mentioned something that was said by a dying grandparent which prompted me to reach out to this person.

Some back and forth later, I found out that this person is one of my parents' half-sibling that was given up for adoption at birth in what turned out to be a very sad family story.

We've been chatting back and forth a lot the past week, sharing information and pictures. I don't know what this will lead to, but the fact that this person now knows who they are biologically and we have found a missing member of our family, is worth all my DNA being owned by a corporation.

I have nothing to hide and the military already has my DNA. Plus I live in Canada with socialist healthcare, no one cares about my genetics.