DIY Moose Hunt


New member
Jul 26, 2019

I visited Anchorage last September and I am going back this September. I am looking to do a DIY moose hunt next year. A few questions...

1. Should I just pay for an air charter to fly me in to a good location? I've looked into a few and have found them to be around $2500.
2. While I am in Alaska this September, any scouting tips to get a gauge for next year?
3. What are some of the best locations that do not require an air charter?

Is this going to be a float trip or just ground hunt? I'd consider a plane ride to get in even further! Caution moose are addicting a Heavy to move around😉
Is this going to be a float trip or just ground hunt? I'd consider a plane ride to get in even further!
I am thinking it will be an air charter.
I am open to float trip or ground hunt. The ground hunt seems more difficult without being a resident of Alaska. Any tips on these two or stay with air charter?
Unless you have a jet boat, moose buggy, or some other form of transport... there are not "good areas" near the road system, unless you want to pack one 4-5 miles.

Does the $2500 include hauling a moose back? Thats a pretty cheap charter for a moose hunt if so. Most run at least $3500 and up by the time its all added up, but there are still a few in expensive operators out there.

Fly in. I wouldn't spend the extra on a float hunt, it will cost you about 2x as much. Bigger plane, more stuff to rent, etc.

There are plenty of places to hunt moose off the road system, but moose numbers are not that great in most areas.

Good luck
What about off the rivers? I remember Bigfin doing that on one of his shows. Could a guy put his boat in the Yukon, motor 30 miles upstream, and hope to fill a tag in 10-12 days of hunting?
Your best chance of seeing Moose is to use a air charter to take you away from the roads (you may still see other hunters). Hunt a lake or river , I prefer a river just because I rather move than hunt the same area for my hunt.
What about off the rivers? I remember Bigfin doing that on one of his shows. Could a guy put his boat in the Yukon, motor 30 miles upstream, and hope to fill a tag in 10-12 days of hunting?
Well I guess you could. "Hope" that is. The Yukon (and most tributaries) get plenty of boat traffic in September. Parts of the Yukon (and tribs) now require drawing a permit for moose hunting. Checking the regs would be the first part of any plan.
Having done #1, I would gladly do it again (and again, and again). I would not float however. I'd rather hunt than boat. Floating requires a lot of time to set up and take down camp, move meat in and out of boats, and competing with other floaters for campsites on many rivers. A fly-in drop-camp was our option and I'm glad we took it.
Fly in unless you draw a permit in a decent area. The Yukon is the version of I95 in northern Alaska pretty much. But a guy could get lucky I guess.
Fly, big moose are heavy. Be prepared to pack. There are guys that hike away from the ATV trails and do ok. Be prepared to pack.
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