Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

did a "weekend " trip to Colorado


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Since I only drew a tag in MT i figured i had a bit of vacation to try on another hunt. I had some free fly miles to use so what the heck, i will try a little Colorado backpack hunt. Made it out there and hiked in the spot in the dark due to a terrible rental car company that took 2 hours from plane land to rental driving :mad: lucky i had a waypoint route all set up in the GPS.
Anyway, hiked in a couple miles and set up a little spike camp as best as i could in the dark. Morning came, saw a couple bulls but with the warm calm air they were in no mood to come to me and were headed for the dark timber. Too quite to do a sneak without any wind and they busted me i think anyway. I then poked around until around 10AM and found myself on the highest peak in the area and decided to sleep until the elk could be glassed up below coming out of the timber into the parks towards nightfall. Well it never happened :confused: nothing but deer to my surprise, must be the heat?. So i started down to camp slowly about 6:45 hoping to cut a bull feeding below out of glassing area but nothing. No bugles at night, or morning. Next day, one little 5pt, same thing as the first morning but he wasnt a shooter. The rest of the day was like the first, no more elk, no noise, no active wallows.
Now, you can call me impatient but i started thinking.... I had cell signal so called home for a weather report from the wife. Told her what city to type in the puter and she told me hot, getting hotter this week.... sunny mostly with a isoltaed thunder storm. Hmmmmmm, not good. So now i started thinking this isnt going to look good so what are my options? I called up the airline and found out i can fly back the next day for no extra fee. I figured i would cut my losses and boogie home to save 4 days of vacation for better rut activity and either tack it onto my archery MT hunt or do a second rifle hunt over Thanksgiving. Well, i did it, i pulled out after only 2 days. I guess i wasnt willing to waste vacation days to hunt 45 minutes of activity a day without any talking of any kind.
It may sound like pulling the plug too soon but I knew i was taking a chance going that early in the season but wanted a couple weeks between hunts to rest up. Sometimes a guy can tell pretty fast when it just isnt going to happen, even more when you see a weather report of a hurricane pushing hot air towards you. Other hunters i talked to never saw more than a cow and were thinking the same as me, wondering why they came this early.
I can say this, it was a good scouting trip for next years Muzz tag :D If i had a smoke pole i would be still packing a 290 bull out of the timber... or what was left of him after the maggots and heat left me :eek:
Oh well, better luck in 2 weeks.. that will be the full 7 days for sure. I at least will know that if i do not hear bugles at night i am in the wrong spot
The good thing is i was able to stop at Deerkings house and chat in person for a couple of hours and see his dead animal collection. Good to finnaly get together, have some plans for having him out for a turkey hunt next spring.
Bad thing is I was in such a hurry to hike in there in the dark i forgot my camera! sorry no pics this time. Looks like it was an good spot but the weather had them holed up in timber that i wasnt going to try and sneak in on them with all the dead falls. Better to wait until they are ready and willing to come to me a little or until they are more active and i can work on them a little.

Can't have it all I suppose, but does sound like you did get in some good scouting even if nothing was talking to you yet...

I think it's a little early in most areas for the boy's to be chattering...

Soon.... Very soon....

Where in Montana you coming to???
LOL... I was just wondering if you were cruising some where into this neck of the woods, I sure wouldn't want to bother your elk spot, thats for sure... :D
I may be over that way but with a combo tag I will definitly be busy the whole week trying to come back without arrows. Would like to meet a few guys for a beer but i doubt they will have time either with the season in full swing.
Great story...enjoyed the reading. I'm heading that way on the 8th with a smoke pole and am hoping for bad weather. I'll be down near "hornaddiction" in unit 70 and am glad to get a jump on the crowds w/ rifles. I'm going to due my best rain dance before I go, maybe even a tequila hat dance if that will help.
Think they will be rutting by the 10th?

Roadtrip said:
Think they will be rutting by the 10th?

Probably, but it doesnt matter really with a muzzel loader. to get within muzz range is not too hard compared to a bow hunt. Although a few bugles is always nice to help locate them. I hope it frosts up before then for you,just so they are on the move for a while each day. good luck
What part of Co. & how high were you hunting? Sorry about your luck but cool story. It's down in the 30's at night in s. central Colorado.
Great story...

Just a question... how can you hunt rifle season if you hunted bow season? Are you going to hunt deer instead?
Hey Roadtrip!

It was nice and cool last weekend in my part of colorado. The bulls were doing a little talking above 10,000ft. They should be really talking when you get out here on the 10th!! We will keep our fingers crossed!!!

We are suppose to have scattered showers again in the high country today. :D
Bambistew said:
Great story...

Just a question... how can you hunt rifle season if you hunted bow season? Are you going to hunt deer instead?
MT hunt is when i can do a second trip if i didnt score on my archery tag, Not Co.
I was up as high as 10,400 and it was still pretty warm up there. I did think about going to a higher spot but just figured i still would rather wait until later, besides i really didnt know anyplace higher close by that had elk. It was a gamble and not much regrets as i still had fun and wasnt out much money because of the airfare was fly miles anyway. It was possible the elk had moved out of the area since i did not see one cow, even glassing from the mountain top at evening and that was pretty surprising. The other theory is with the heat they just went nocturnal. Who knows, dont matter now. Bowhunting is a lot about timing more than any other type of hunting. Even if they were there, unless they were ready they still would have been tough to get close too without any bugles, or wallows worked up. It was so dead calm up there to sneak up on one would have been wishfull thinking. I feel i didnt cop out, i just made a good call to salvage some vacation days for better odds in a couple weeks.
hornaddiction said:
Hey Roadtrip!

It was nice and cool last weekend in my part of colorado. The bulls were doing a little talking above 10,000ft. They should be really talking when you get out here on the 10th!! We will keep our fingers crossed!!!

We are suppose to have scattered showers again in the high country today. :D

Thanks for the Update Horn....I am soooo stoked to be coming early this year. I checked the 10 day forcast and it looks like scattered t-storms for the rest of the week. I'm glad it's cooling down a little. I'm going to give you a call when I get out that way.

Cheers, Roadtrip
roadtrip, pray for overcast and light rain and fog! Duck hunting and elk love the same weather!

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