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Devaluing Non-Residents

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Wyoming still sells NR's moose and sheep points.
When I mentioned earlier in this thread about WY selling useless points, the response I was met with was "well, if they're stupid enough to buy them, then let them."

Being on a hunting trip is always exciting. No one should be upset about hunting. It's just unfortunate when it will take 5-6 years between hunts, meanwhile every resident can go buy a general tag over the counter.
That's your choice, you can hunt elk here every year.
Wyoming still sells NR's moose and sheep points.
When I mentioned earlier in this thread about WY selling useless points, the response I was met with was "well, if they're stupid enough to buy them, then let them."

Being on a hunting trip is always exciting. No one should be upset about hunting. It's just unfortunate when it will take 5-6 years between hunts, meanwhile every resident can go buy a general tag over the counter.

There is NOTHING stopping you from moving to the elk hunting state of your choice and and gaining residency status. I lived in the Twin Cities after graduating from college. I met my wife there. Big Game hunting was important enough that I convinced my wife to move to Montana, without a job in hand. We had built a nice nest egg, to make the transition.

So, if it is really important to you, make it happen. Otherwise you are sounding like a whiner.
It's just unfortunate when it will take 5-6 years between hunts
What are you talking about? I can hunt elk and deer in multiple states every year that's called a fact. You as in RJ can also hunt elk and deer in multiple states every year which is also a fact. There is AMPLE opportunity to elk and deer hunt for resident and non resident hunters across the country.
But you just want to buy a tag for a price below the actual value and you want to use that tag wherever you so choose, states and states units be damned. Maybe the solution you want is a nationwide hunting license and nationwide tags just buy it and do whatever you want, state by state and unit by unit management be damned, but hey at least you get to do whatever you want since that's what you deserve for existing.
What are you talking about? I can hunt elk and deer in multiple states every year that's called a fact. You as in RJ can also hunt elk and deer in multiple states every year which is also a fact. There is AMPLE opportunity to elk and deer hunt for resident and non resident hunters across the country.
But you just want to buy a tag for a price below the actual value and you want to use that tag wherever you so choose, states and states units be damned. Maybe the solution you want is a nationwide hunting license and nationwide tags just buy it and do whatever you want, state by state and unit by unit management be damned, but hey at least you get to do whatever you want since that's what you deserve for existing.
No one said you can't hunt in multiple states... I'm referring to time between WY general tags.

I don't even know what to respond to the second half of your post other than WTF? Are you okay?
There is NOTHING stopping you from moving to the elk hunting state of your choice and and gaining residency status. I lived in the Twin Cities after graduating from college. I met my wife there. Big Game hunting was important enough that I convinced my wife to move to Montana, without a job in hand. We had built a nice nest egg, to make the transition.

So, if it is really important to you, make it happen. Otherwise you are sounding like a whiner.
Whoa, Montana is full now, move to Canada ;)

You can't get a general tag in WY every year. You could get a cow tag more than likely if that's what you're in to. Just ask Buzz. Even he knows that.

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Then how did my nephew get 3 bull tags in 3 years then and if he would have applied last year would have been 4/4?

Maybe you're not as smart as you think you are.
There is NOTHING stopping you from moving to the elk hunting state of your choice and and gaining residency status. I lived in the Twin Cities after graduating from college. I met my wife there. Big Game hunting was important enough that I convinced my wife to move to Montana, without a job in hand. We had built a nice nest egg, to make the transition.

So, if it is really important to you, make it happen. Otherwise you are sounding like a whiner.
I've often considered it. But when it's not hunting season, I'm fishing. Tough to find better fishing than here in MN. There are other things that have stopped me from just up and moving as well.

I have found my groove by making a few trips out west every year plus hunting around home. It's a great way satisfy that hunting bug that shows up every year in about August and lasts through Nov/Dec. I'll be back in MT this spring for a bear hunt. Can't say too much more than that. I have a few people here convinced I don't actually hunt at all.

I fully appreciate every opportunity I have to hunt in any state. But in the same breath, I don't think it's out of line to ask for more opportunity.
Utah, Nevada, Montana, Idaho, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, etc.
How about Washington? Does that fall in your "etc"?

Or do you selectively leave that off your list because it doesn't fit your narrative?
I've often considered it. But when it's not hunting season, I'm fishing. Tough to find better fishing than here in MN. There are other things that have stopped me from just up and moving as well.

I have found my groove by making a few trips out west every year plus hunting around home. It's a great way satisfy that hunting bug that shows up every year in about August and lasts through Nov/Dec. I'll be back in MT this spring for a bear hunt. Can't say too much more than that. I have a few people here convinced I don't actually hunt at all.

I fully appreciate every opportunity I have to hunt in any state. But in the same breath, I don't think it's out of line to ask for more opportunity.

It just feels sort of contrived though. As a nonresident I could draw Wyoming general elk tags almost as regularly as quality Oregon rifle bull tags as a resident, and the caliber of the hunt likely wouldn't compare. That seems like a pretty good deal to me.

There is so much opportunity still across the west.
None of this is about opportunity or tags fees. The NR bellyaching is a bunch whiners that feel the world owes them something. You're not entitled to a 6 point bull in Wyoming or Colorado just because you scroll GoHunt all day and buy preference points. There are more opportunities to hunt the west than I will ever have time for.

Life is about choices- so what are your priorities? Do you like your corporate job on the coast? Do you enjoy having grandparents to watch your kids on the weekend because you never left your hometown? Is deer camp the most important hunt of your season? Is it the cheap real estate that keeps you anchored in place? If hunting the west is your priority, move to a state with elk, mule deer and pronghorn. Make a sacrifice if hunting and the outdoors are what matter to you and your family.

Rather than complain about a general tag, try drawing a Type 6 or a 2nd choice Type 4. Learn where to find elk and how to kill them. Maybe explore some new country and shoot a brace of Sage grouse. Hunt a WT only tag and jumpshoot some ducks as you learn your way around. I'm a NR in Wyoming but the state has always treated me well. I can't recall the last year I didn't have at least 2 tags in Wyoming, and they're not all antlerless. Nobody is beating up on Non-Residents, it's about priorities and making opportunity for yourself.
None of this is about opportunity or tags fees. The NR bellyaching is a bunch whiners that feel the world owes them something. You're not entitled to a 6 point bull in Wyoming or Colorado just because you scroll GoHunt all day and buy preference points. There are more opportunities to hunt the west than I will ever have time for.

Life is about choices- so what are your priorities? Do you like your corporate job on the coast? Do you enjoy having grandparents to watch your kids on the weekend because you never left your hometown? Is deer camp the most important hunt of your season? Is it the cheap real estate that keeps you anchored in place? If hunting the west is your priority, move to a state with elk, mule deer and pronghorn. Make a sacrifice if hunting and the outdoors are what matter to you and your family.

Rather than complain about a general tag, try drawing a Type 6 or a 2nd choice Type 4. Learn where to find elk and how to kill them. Maybe explore some new country and shoot a brace of Sage grouse. Hunt a WT only tag and jumpshoot some ducks as you learn your way around. I'm a NR in Wyoming but the state has always treated me well. I can't recall the last year I didn't have at least 2 tags in Wyoming, and they're not all antlerless. Nobody is beating up on Non-Residents, it's about priorities and making opportunity for yourself.
I mean seriously, what's the fun in any of that?;)
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