Determine if state land is huntable


Active member
Jun 27, 2016
Kalispell MT
I’m specifically curious how to find out in MT, but there are some state land chunks (via OnX maps) that seem like they could be decent deer hunting. I don’t see any formal trails or parking area, so I’m not sure how to tell if it is open for hunting or leased out/closed off. Is there any trick to finding the this out or just call various alphabets (DNRC and FEP we’re going to be my first two calls).
In Montana state is public and open to hunting, albeit slightly different rules about camping. In CO it's basically private, in WY it's open to hunting but not camping, etc... depends on the State.
But in Montana it can also be used for other purposes that I think can block access. Should I assume no buildings means it’s open? Thanks!
But in Montana it can also be used for other purposes that I think can block access. Should I assume no buildings means it’s open? Thanks!

Gotcha, yes for instance there are a couple of pieces around Bozeman where MSU is conducting field experiments that can't be hunted. I would say it's mostly all open though, with some specific exceptions, in my experience if you can't hunt the state section it's always posted. If you are concerned call you local FWP office they will know.
It’s open unless it is formally enrolled in the BMA program. To determine this, simply turn the BMA option on in ONX maps. If the state land falls within the confines of the BMA, then you need access to that BMA in order to hunt the state piece. See the Montana regs for info regarding how to gain access since it varies by type and wether or not the state administers access rights or the landowner does. Note, BMAs are published in the second half of August and may vary slightly from year to year. Hope this helps!
State can ONLY be used IF you can accessed it from a Public road.
If it is surrounded by a Block it is governed by the block rules.
You Can NOT access state through a block Management unless other wise stated in the Block rules.
IF you use your permit that is on your license you can ONLY hunt or fish.
IF you get the $10 version you can also hike I think.
AT least that is my take on it...
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Thanks guys. I think it is open then, as a corner crosses the main highway (actually crosses so it’s not a corner hopping issue).

Thanks again
Thanks TBass. I drove by the area and still can’t tell anything, so I’ve emailed Fwp for starters.

Thanks TBass. I drove by the area and still can’t tell anything, so I’ve emailed Fwp for starters.


Fwiw, ive tangled with one piece of state that was posted no trespassing, no hunting. Had to involve FWP on this and show them the rules above. It was illegally posted. Read these rules thorughly and know them. I keep them and a stream access law with me all the time. Most simpky dont know the nuances.
Lessees of Ag leases with crops still standing can post the land until the crop is cut I believe. Trust land can be tricky, best to read the info the DNRC has put out regarding trust lands.
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