Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Despite the odds, how many Sheep Tags have you Drawn or Won in your Life?

I grew up sitting cross legged on the floor, listening starry eyed to my Dad's stories of sheep hunting in the Big Horn Crags in the 1970s and early 80's.

I finally drew a tag there in 2002 at 30 years old. Did my honest best, found a monster ram, had mature rams inside 100 yards, and somehow didn't kill my ram.

4 years later, I miraculously pulled the same tag. A guy named Oscar and I found two full curl rams and hunted them for 6 days. He had to get back to work, and I continued hunting solo. A few days later, I genuinely started feeling sick. With a blazing fever, I slowly made my way to the health clinic in Challis. There, the PA found a tick smack dab on my cornholio.

Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever put me down for a couple weeks, but I had to give it one more go.

A good friend prodded me back into the area and I killed the first legal ram I saw. A dinker, barely legal ram. I like him fine.

I've had the privilege of helping others on sheep hunts. In Alaska, I killed a white ram on the seventh day of hunting hard. There is nothing like it.

I pray that another tag will find me before my knees get too rickety. My name is in the hat in CO, UT, and NV this year
I grew up sitting cross legged on the floor, listening starry eyed to my Dad's stories of sheep hunting in the Big Horn Crags in the 1970s and early 80's.

I finally drew a tag there in 2002 at 30 years old. Did my honest best, found a monster ram, had mature rams inside 100 yards, and somehow didn't kill my ram.

4 years later, I miraculously pulled the same tag. A guy named Oscar and I found two full curl rams and hunted them for 6 days. He had to get back to work, and I continued hunting solo. A few days later, I genuinely started feeling sick. With a blazing fever, I slowly made my way to the health clinic in Challis. There, the PA found a tick smack dab on my cornholio.

Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever put me down for a couple weeks, but I had to give it one more go.

A good friend prodded me back into the area and I killed the first legal ram I saw. A dinker, barely legal ram. I like him fine.

I've had the privilege of helping others on sheep hunts. In Alaska, I killed a white ram on the seventh day of hunting hard. There is nothing like it.

I pray that another tag will find me before my knees get too rickety. My name is in the hat in CO, UT, and NV this year
Man, that’s a gnarly story about the tick.
I grew up sitting cross legged on the floor, listening starry eyed to my Dad's stories of sheep hunting in the Big Horn Crags in the 1970s and early 80's.

I finally drew a tag there in 2002 at 30 years old. Did my honest best, found a monster ram, had mature rams inside 100 yards, and somehow didn't kill my ram.

4 years later, I miraculously pulled the same tag. A guy named Oscar and I found two full curl rams and hunted them for 6 days. He had to get back to work, and I continued hunting solo. A few days later, I genuinely started feeling sick. With a blazing fever, I slowly made my way to the health clinic in Challis. There, the PA found a tick smack dab on my cornholio.

Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever put me down for a couple weeks, but I had to give it one more go.

A good friend prodded me back into the area and I killed the first legal ram I saw. A dinker, barely legal ram. I like him fine.

I've had the privilege of helping others on sheep hunts. In Alaska, I killed a white ram on the seventh day of hunting hard. There is nothing like it.

I pray that another tag will find me before my knees get too rickety. My name is in the hat in CO, UT, and NV this year
I hunted the same area while T Bone was recovering from Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. However, the country bested me and I had tucked tail and ran, without a ram, before he returned for his successful hunt. I have to admit, I was more than a little envious when I read about his success later in the season.
I still giggle to myself remembering your face when the three kayakers came upon us as we were trying to stay cool after being baked in the sun all day.
If I would have actually had to get out of the water while we were talking to those women, I certainly would have pointed out that the water was very, very cold. 😀
I hunted the same area while T Bone was recovering from Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. However, the country bested me and I had tucked tail and ran, without a ram, before he returned for his successful hunt. I have to admit, I was more than a little envious when I read about his success later in the season.
A big snow in that country can put the fear of death you. The Crags are such a mental game.

On my first tag, I had a similar experience. I had two days left of season. I'd been seeing very little and freezing my butt off daily. I woke up to heavy snow and in the morning there was a foot of heavy wet snow on the ground. I was by myself and didn't have someone to talk logic to me.

The snow was a Godsend for finding a ram, but I weirded out, threw in the towel and started sludging out......
Ive been lucky enough to draw 2 sheep tags in MT. One in 2007 and the other in 2020
Great looking rams congrats! Seen some amazing sheep while elk hunting in the breaks, maybe one day. I’ll be going with a bow as well nice work.
drew CO archery ram in 2003, returned tag got points back
CO ewe in 2004 on 2nd choice
CO archery ram 2005
CO archery ram 2019

Will draw NM/AZ/MT/UT/NV…. hopefully not all in same year. Ha!
I have max points for sheep in Montana (20 plus years of applying) and have applied in most of the western states for 10 or more years including lots of super tags raffles and other raffle tags. With the increased interest in western hunting, without some luck in the drawing, sadly I will never get to hunt sheep. I’m not lucky when it comes to drawing tags. This isn’t an entirely new phenomenon. I know one guy a prominent outfitter in Montana who has applied for MT sheep his whole life. He told me he had max points in the first point system when they trashed it. Unfortunately he is near the end of his life now. Without a miracle he won’t experience a sheep hunt for himself either. I would bet this is most peoples path in sheep hunting especially young folks just starting out. Unless they decide to fork out big bucks
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I have max points for sheep in Montana (20 plus years of applying) and have applied in most of the western states for 10 or more years including lots of super tags raffles and other raffle tags. With the increased interest in western hunting, without some luck in the drawing, sadly I will never get to hunt sheep. I’m not lucky when it comes to drawing tags. This isn’t an entirely new phenomenon. I know one guy a prominent outfitter in Montana who has applied for MT sheep his whole life. He told me he had max points in the first point system when they trashed it. Unfortunately he is near the end of his life now. Without a miracle he won’t experience a sheep hunt for himself either. I would bet this is most peoples path in sheep hunting especially young folks just starting out. Unless they decide to fork out big bucks
Roger that! X2. I go to the sheep show in Reno and it really puts it in perspective where you sit in this world seeing what these governor tags go for every year! If I don’t draw one this year I’m rooting for you! Good luck