Yeti GOBOX Collection

DEER hunting.. MOOSIE style...

Moosie sounds like an interesting trip. Glad you had a good time. I'm just wondering was the trail mix vaccumm sealed or just in a zipper bag? I've got some stuff vaccum sealed should I check it?

You may be short on water but you're definitely long on wind. ;) Reading your stories I expected to be reading about big headbones... it's good to hear that you have to work for them once in a while and that I'm not the only BUSH-MAGNET out there!..

I read that whole damn thing.. and it was pretty good. I can't believe the sh*t you went through.. Sounds like you should have had an elk tag not a deer tag though. You should get back out there. I'm sure you'll get a big un. I loved the part about your wife telling you.. I'm still laughing about that one. Anyways get back out there and get em! :D
Moosie.........I hate to bust your bubble.....but running water does not purify itself......merely transports whatever contaminates that are present farther downstream. I have drank out of streams without purifing also, but only when absolutely necessary. Do yourself a favor and buy you a purifier bottle......just fill it up with ANY water and it is clear to drink as fast as you can pour it. Beats the hell out of packing water.

Sounds like you had a great time, and that is what it's all about, right? ;)
Moosie, If you get beaver fever you'll lose that extra weight real fast! I got giardia from drinking from a Colorado stream in 1974. Back then it was very rare and most people hadn't heard of it, even the local Doctors. It took them two months to figure out what I had and in that time I dropped from 190 lbs. to 148 lbs.! They thought I had some new kind of cancer! :D Funny now (28 years later), but I thought I was a goner for awhile! :D Once I got cured I had a great time getting back up to my normal weight----cake, pie, cookies, ice cream, milkshakes, brownies and anything else I felt like eating for three months! :D
moosie great story.DS running water will purify itself in about 100 yards, the problem is that it has to be a very shallow strean, something about the algae on the rocks purifing it, but you never know what pissed in it in the 100 yards before you got there.purifing is still a must do when you are 7 miles from the truck and camping, wow can you imagine. :rolleyes:
Stop being a frickin cheapskate and buy the filter! The smaller the microns the better; filter out all those parasites and impurities! :D
Nut, there is always this weekend right

Westman, lots of fun, everyone should do it once !!!

Mojave, if we wever go camping, you bring the drinks, I'll do the dishes !!!!

JB, Sorry I missed your call bro. Tal kto ya tomorrow !!! And NO, I drink n coffee (BLAAHHHHHH)

C.O. , YEP a book and over 1/2 the words "wright" ;)

Huntrluvr, THANX !!! I did !!!

Mini Me, So.. your sister wouldn't have married a "STUD MUFFN" now, would she, Becasue That story sounds familiar *SMILE*

Mntboy, YEP, you still have to work for them, Even Greeny does, don't let no-one fool ya !!

1-pointer, BALLS !!! I like that, no brains.. OWCH... truth hurts man !!!

Canoe, fresh stuff ??!? I hear you don't leave the coffee shop *WINK*

MD4me.. BEAVER ?!??! YAH, was thinknig about the wrong thing.. Hehe

Ithica, LUcky.. HELL no, I was never at risk. River was always within a couple miles, I'm not one to take chances ... *SMILE*

280, ... Uhhhhh Right whatever, Just cuz you con't get it up any more....

CALI.. It looked like....

2fast, Ziplocked, MY bad !!! BUT try the trailmix first, just to mak sure !!!

BOMAN, thanx for reading it I type with 2 fingers.. TOOK me 2 days to write it .. HEHE I will get back out, I might go Sat and MAke the trip in one day... If I leave at 3:00AM I can be inplace at 7am and hunt all day !!! then hike out after dark. but the trip would include a bit more water !!!!!

DS, YAH, I hear ya, Just sayingI've never had trouble.. Kind of like looking at porn, It's OK till it catches up to ya. THEN you know better for next time *WINK*

Ithica, I've seen ya, LOOKS like you still have Giardia .. HEHEHE.... OK OK .. I hear ya, I'll be more carefull.... Uhhhhh MAybe !!!

TNCTCB... HELL, I ate the algae too... Is that bad ?!???!? Hehe

DGIB, YOU SOB (SMILE) HELL, I pay over a grand a year to keep this place running.. You'd think you'd at least send me a filter... HUmmmmph *SMILE*

THANX for the Comments, TIs Wed... Almost FRIDAY.. Still deciding what I'm gonig to do.... Decisions decisions.... Do I try it again, or try another spot. I guess I should figure it out soon.. huh ?!??!
Um you'll learn mate ;) I don't profess to know it all but I've been soloing for 25 years, coupla hints.
1/ you got light water every else its 10lb per gallon

2/ I drill a 3/8 hole in each instep of my boots just above the sole water pumps out after river crossings in about 20 paces.
3/I always get fresh trail mix from the bulk bins at the supermarket at end of trip I throw to the birds.
4/ Never camp anywhere more than 1'2 hour from water and in New zealand thats nowhere :D
Great story Moose.I would invest in a water purifier if I was you,but Im not so you probably wont ;) Sounds like you had a great time on the pack in.And for cripes sake when your low on water go to the creek next time ;) Still laughing about what your wife told ya :D :eek: :D
I drink out of all the creeks I hunt around too Moosie. Keep waiting for the screaming shits some day, but it hasn't happened yet, probably 22+ years of drinking from streams in WA, ID and MT.

Are you gonna get an elk tag for that spot next year?!?!
Moosie - great story! Thanks for sharing.

Kiwi hunta - do you all measure by imperial gallon? US gallon is smaller volume than imperial gallon ..... Moosie's statement is correct for US gallon.

- rgl

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-10-2002 16:29: Message edited by: Argyle ]</font>
Duh me, u have small gallons ? I thought everything in the USA was bigger andd better
lol yep a gallon equals 4.4 litres approx
It alway's seems like the first solo is the hardest. You want to bring every thing just incase. But then you know that you can't because the body just can't carry the kitchen sink up the side of the mountain...I love these solo runs. I also look at the map all of the time for any water sources, including springs and cattle tanks. I make my own jerky. It is a lot stronger than that which you buy in the store. Along with the homemade tomato paste role ups. Stuff grown in my garden. You can have very good broths and soups with out having really any extra weight. I have a little metal cup that I picked up at Walmart and use it to boil the soup in. I also pick pine tips and Juniper berries to make a very mellow tea. I boil them hard for a bit. They also have lots of nutrition. I had nettles this last time out for the first time, and also had rose hip tea. That is pretty good also and full of good stuff. There is lots of stuff out there to eat if you know what you are looking for. If you get head aches. Or are achy from the extra walking, willow tips work real well. I found they go down better if you have some chewy candy to eat with it...The stuff is kind of bitter. A couple few mouth fulls spread over an hour or so, seems to put the bounce back in your step and makes the aches go away. Getting the nasty water bugs usually take five to ten day's to start taking effect. Now this last part is only what I have read. I couldn't say for sure. Moosie, Next time you come to Mt. Let me know...I bet you come right up 15. If so, you are only 15 minutes from my house. I could meet you at the truck stop and buy you a beer or cup of coffee.... :D :D :D
Kiwi - If you'd seen Moosie's pan picture, you'd know everything in the US is neither bigger nor better. For what it's worth, the US gallon equals approximately 3.8 liters. It takes about 1.2 US gallons to make 1 Imperial gallon.

Now back to hunting talk ....

Have a good day! - rgl
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Argyle:
Kiwi'd know everything in the US is neither bigger nor better. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Geez Argyle, whats with this stuff. Don't you know that generations of American soldiers have been telling our ANZAC allies, and especially their Shielas, that EVERYTHING is bigger if it is American. Sixty years down the drain. You should be ashamed! :(
HAHAHA.. YAH, I don't pack SIZE in the pant's .. JUST endurance :D :D

Mickey, Welcome aboard, and thans for straightening "Argyle" out ;)

Season is hear..... I feel another trip coming on.... This time I want to try the SNOW !!! Someone send us SNOW !!!!!
:D :D :D

Great story Moosie. You are a true inspiration. Have you ever thought about learning some survival techniques. Click Here for a good starting place. ;)

I really enjoyed the story and good luck when you go back out.
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