Deadheads - Let's see 'em

Mmm yes. I didn’t bring it out for several years because I was hauling deer or otherwise busy each time I was the vicinity. There were some vertebrae with it in a tight patch of subalpine fir.

I know of two others found within about 3 miles of where it was. All over 9,000’.

I found a smaller bison skull buried in a wash in less than excellent condition a few years prior but left it. Sorta regret it, except I’m sure it made someone else’s day to find it. Different mountain range.
I found a 5x5 dead head last year. Anyone have tips on cleaning it up? I soaked it and cut the remaining skin off but its still looking pretty gross.
Hi everyone! Moved to Idaho a year ago and trying my best to find new places to shed hunt. I used to have plenty of areas in NM and CO but since moving here I haven’t had much luck. Only found two dead heads so far this year. Nice to meet you all and if anyone has any advice for me on general areas to check out in southern Idaho, I’d greatly appreciate it! Thanks and happy searching!!IMG_4545.jpeg

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