Dead Oryx Pics...

Something about the cool desert air, good glass, and the thought of a pig to get a guy going....:D
Great recap as usual boys- Damn funny stuff. I was feeling bad that I had didn't wait around for y'all to show and offer up the house for you to crash but after seeing what the warm desert mornings do Idahoians, it was probably the right move.
This reminds me of Moosie's life changing event post. Either that or the old joke of how do you keep an idiot in suspense?....I'll tell you tomorrow. Guess we know what that makes us.
sounds like you guys had a great time. I need the rest of the story! congats again on your hunts
Guys, I think it's my turn to Write something. It will be untill tomorrow night till I get it done. Bear with me. I'm waiting for a few pics from IDBugler to add to the story unless he adds them first. But I'll have some stories and comments up then !!

I am curious of what you think of the meat. I personally think its the best wild game I've had.

Let us know after the first steak hits the stomach.
I saw the pics of glassing and laughed my ass off.....damn that was funny.
I really laughged at the one were Moosie couldn't get it up....LMAO
Good---there is no real cacti in their native habitat in the Kalahari
Bad---you can get your azz lost there real damn quick (no, I will not tell the story but the Bushman now sing about it)

Good---AZ has better habitat to be like their Natural habitat than RSA!
Bad---Most folks whack one in RSA!

VERY GOOD----Way to go , Guys!!!
Sorry guys but I have been way swamped. Between cutting up the oryx, cleaing out the freezer to make room for more meat, preparing a speech on mule deer hunting in Idaho for the idaho sportsman show and getting practices setup for my sons baseball team has kept me way busy. Oh ya I went horn hunting for a few hours. Anyway that has slowed the picture posting a little.

Here is a short story. The day before the hunt we meet up with 2nd amendment. He went out of his way to show us some Oryx off range and he didn't disappoint.


The morning of the hunt was crazy and fun at the same time. Just like everyone said the blast off was awesome. People went flying out of there as we took our sweet old time and we were 3rd to last to leave the place. Driving down the road we saw trucks pulled over and making there stalks. Crazy to think people wanted to end it so early. Anyway we headed up the hill to where Schmalts thought would be a good place. From the very beginning we saw a bunch of Oryx. It was very obvious we were going to kill one it was just when we wanted too. I could almost guarentee if we saw a 45" Oryx that morning he would have been safe because both Oscar and I didn't want it to be that easy.

With that said we put on the packs and headed for the distant hills. Seeing Oryx the whole way. The plan was to find a stalkable oryx that I could try for with my bow. Three ridges later we spotted 3 oryx bulls. Two were bedded and one was up feeding. I left everyone and made my way over to them. Within 30 minutes I was in range of all three Oryx. The one I wanted was directly in front of me at 44 yards. I couldn't get any closer because the one to my right was 30 yards away facing me. The one feeding was at 50 yards. Another Oryx was heading my way and made all the Oryx stand. I went to full draw and the one I wanted had me pegged. I leaned around bush and settled the pin in front of his shoulder. I had a pretty good cross wind so I thought I would give it a couple inches. At the release everything felt good. I saw the arrow in flight but lost it as the oryx took off. I instantly noticed blood about 5" behind his shoulder. I was a little pist but thought it should do the trick. Worst case I got liver and he should bed down for another shot. The crew (Spitz, Oscar, Wylie and dad) did a hell of a job keeping tabs on the bull. The bull ran forever and we lost sight him. We meet up at the last spot we saw him and started looking for blood. The blood was very dark which looked to be a liver shot but unfortunetly not much blood was left. Oscar did a heck of a job keeping on the trail but unfortunetly after 2+ miles and 4 hours later we lost the trail. We decided the best option was to look down the draws in hopes of picking up some more blood or find him bedded down.

After 30 minutes of this I here Oscar yell Oryx. When I looked up I saw an Oryx running at about 100 yards. Oscar thought quickly and busted him with two shots. We run up and confirmed that it was the bull I had stuck earlier. It looked as if my arrow had entered through a rib and deflected leaving the arrow fully in the animal. We had a little dilemma on who's animal it belonged too. Last hunter who killed it? Who shot it first? Anyway Oscar said he was more then happy to tag it as he was the one who killed it. I don't know the laws on this deal but I do know that I can't thank Oscar enough for putting this animal down. I would have felt even worse if I knew we had lost this animal because of my bad shot. Thanks to all involved in finding this animal and putting him down. The rest of the day was spent packing the bull the 2 miles out.



My story isn't as exciting. The plan was to drive to the same spot but this time walk to the north. We were 1 mile from our planned spot when we spotted some Oryx to the north. All looked like immature animals. While we were glassing them dad spotted a lone bull to the south. It was confirmed a good bull and 4 shots later he was down. Two shots connected and two missed. One in the arse and one in the neck. Not my best shooting display but I was happy to see that he was down and within 600 yards from the road. We got him out whole and we were able to get some good field photo's.




Thanks again for everyones help on this hunt. It was a blast.
Nice job, guys. A couple of good looking bulls there.

Draw results on Wednesday! Who is feeling lucky?
. I could almost guarentee if we saw a 45" Oryx that morning he would have been safe because both Oscar and I didn't want it to be that easy.

It was a blast.
What got into Moosie?? You put a trigger lock on his gun?:D

Nice bulls guys. Did you get a chance to chew on any of the meat? We loved the one I got, but it was a tad tougher than elk, but flavor was way better IMO. I ground most of it up to deal with the toughness and the burger was awsome
Thanks for the story and pictures.It was sure nice you could get yours out whole for some good field shots.Congratulations to all.
What got into Moosie?? You put a trigger lock on his gun?:D

Nice bulls guys. Did you get a chance to chew on any of the meat? We loved the one I got, but it was a tad tougher than elk, but flavor was way better IMO. I ground most of it up to deal with the toughness and the burger was awsome
I have had it twice so far. The meat is awesome but like you said just a little tough. For me I would rate it at the same level as elk in taste.
Nce job guys. Those things have t0 be my favorite animal t0 hunt. Maybe the toughness is to do with the difference between a bull and a cow. Mine was a cow and wasn't to bad. But my buddies bull from Febraury was tough.
You guys don't think I know a Buttload of Crap About Bow hunting Animals...

........But I DO !!!!!!!!


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