Dead Oryx Pics...


of the mighty beast. The once kept fur was now amiss with the unmistakeable bullet hole from a .22 rimfire. "Here he is", yelled all. But, where was the arrow?...

(Please insert your own story ending here)
I have to agree 2nd amendment has the story telling down to a science. I had a little bit of time to upload some of the video of this particular story.
Here is another clip of a little rabbit hunting. Thanks 2nd amendment for showing us your secret rabbit spots.
now we all know why Moosie runs marathons and IDB doesn't. shot placement!!! good stuff guys. waiting for the dead oryx films........
After watching Moosie run and pack like a mad man, I told him that I would never again allow any one to tease him about chocolate shakes. They are nothing but fuel for a packing machine.

For those of you that have never met IB, he is built like an NFL linebacker and his favorite phrase is "let's look over the next ridge". Wylie reminds me of Clark Kent. Mild mannered but once the headband goes on, the leather hits the road. IB's dad is an absolute riot. I had the best time sitting and BS'ing with him on the back of the truck. Can't forget Spitz (Squeeker). 6'4" with about 40 inch long legs and lungs that just completed physical training at the academy. He made the trip back several times and I don't think he even broke a sweat. I could not fathom a better group of guys. The whole time I was getting ready to go down the hill to meet them, I kept thinking about that radio ad where the Internet friend isn't 14, isn't in Junior High, and isn't nice.

Somebody wake up the Moose so he can tell the stories...
Good times . . . I don't know why I am referred to as Squeeker though.

Wife found the second pair of man panties yesterday. Same pair that Moosie had turned into a thong for one of his pics. I left the details out, but had to explain the presence of someones undies secreted into one of my shoes. Hopefully no more surprises.
Good times . . . I don't know why I am referred to as Squeeker though.

Wife found the second pair of man panties yesterday. Same pair that Moosie had turned into a thong for one of his pics. I left the details out, but had to explain the presence of someones undies secreted into one of my shoes. Hopefully no more surprises.
Keep looking. :)
Sorry guys but I'm way to swamped to spend time writing a story so I will let the pictures do that.

To pass the time I showed Oscar how to solve a rubiks cube on our 16 hour trip to AZ. With a cheat sheet of course.


Sunrise in the Arizona desert. 1 hour away from a destination spot.

Camp for the next 4 days

Some of the country we hunted.

The wrecking crew.

Everything had thorns in that desert and we have numerous holes in our bodies from them #$%^@# things.


First sun of the year for these whities from Idaho.

This day we saw 6 bucks in the desert. A couple nice ones too.


Lots of pig sign but just not many sightings for the first 3 days. Actually 3 pigs that gave us the slip in the morning.
Here we are glassing some awesome country that got us a little excited.



Me a little more then Oscar.

After hunting the same spot for 3 days we decided to look somewhere else. Wiley picked a good spot and when we came back to pick him up he had one down. I'm real happy for Wiley and he deserved his trophy. A 40+ pound sow.


Congrats again Wiley on a well earned trophy. More pics to come on the Oryx hunt.
Spitz. I promise you ther Undies were all clean. You got 2 of 3, not bad :) I brought home the thong undies I was wearing. IDBugler and Wylee have the pics. I don't want to ruin the Pictures that will come out but we did make some Good Clothing articles. I'm not sure the hunters were ready for a Grown man in a Loin cloth chasing down the Orxy ;)

As far as Orxy Video, NADA !! We were on a Millitary restricted area for a long list of Items. We couldn't have any camera's, video, Radar jammers, beer, as well as alot of other stuff we ...are....usually hunting with .. ;)

So many stories and people met that I don't even know were to start.

FOR CLARITY : 2nd Amendment DID NOT GUIDE US !!! We got a Ration from the Fish and Game on Sunday about him coming and "guiding" us. He didn't even go with us Sunday. I guess Fish and Game read these boards and think because people hook up that they are guiding you or something. I know they are doing their jobs. All in all the GAme and Fish there were some of the BEST and laid back guys I've met. Not like alot I've run into (Tresspassing and poaching) ;) ;) J/K

So, remember when IDBugler and me went to NM a few years ago and some dude tapped me on the shoulder at a Gas station and asked if I was Moosie ?!?!?! Well, We met a couple people there that knew us as well. One of the Taxidermist guys (That posts on was a top knotch guy. He had great info and held our cameras off base for us. He recognised Bryce (From his Wifes Pictures though ;) ) and knew him. When I asked if he knew the Trouble maker on Monster Mulies he asked if I was Moosie :D

We laughed a bit and was heading back to our truck when 2 other guys rolled down thgeir windo wand told us that only 1 group from Idaho was allowed there. I was Like "WTF", who are these guys and how did they know ? Well, Guess more people read this site then I thought. I gave them our number and they tagged out on Sat. Couple of Great guys and one even brought his boy. That was AWESOME !!!

Squeeker..... I've never met a MAN that could hit that high of a Pitch Farting. At times Dogs would howl and I knew Squeeker just cut a fart. One of us would do a MAnly Rumble then we'd hear a "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK". Serously man, you could make diamonds from coal !!!!

One thing for sure is we did alot of Glassing. I'm glad we took pictures of that !!
Good looking Country We were glassing... EH ?!??!?!

Dead Orxy Pics ~ VIEWS : 1,163

My guess is this Post will go over 5,000 By tomorrow afternoon. Big Fin should pay us for Website "Views" ;)
I'm laughing at at you guys getting torn up by the AZ cactus/thorns, I had a feeling. Congrats to Chris on the Javelina, not as easy as people think. Congrats to Oscar and Bryce on the Oryx. I wish I could've hung out longer on the AZ hunt, just didn't have the time.....
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